Question on Amended I-140. Please help!

Arun Mehta

Registered Users (C)
My company closed down after my I-140 approval. I have joined in similar position as full time employee in another company. Can I file an amended I-140 with my new employer or do I need to go through labour again for my GC.
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If the second company bought the first, then you can keep your labor and amend the original I-140 using successor in interest provision.
If those two do not have any relationship, I do not know what else can be done.
In same boat....

My Friend,

I am so close to getting my 140 approved and we had a big lay off...No other option but to return to India...I have been thinking why our Govt is not getting invloved in helping the NRIS who are on H1-B. Bacause of no fault of ours, even though we have slogged and ccontributed to the US economy the American Govt has no consideration. The day we lose our job we have to leav ethe country. This is unthinkable and it is brutal. Where as the Mexican President wants the US govt to offer permanent residency to all it\'s 3 million illegal people who are in the US. It\'s high time that our community takes a look at this matter and see something can be done. May be Rajivji has some thoughts on this
cool down dude

problem like ignorant ppl like u is u think everybody who has visa
should be a citizen of usa ..
h1-b is non immigrant temporary visa created so that usa can assist its economy ur no more than a visitor except u work hear .........
when ur coming as h1-b ur not a potential immigrat u agreed to return to your country now u come hear and say mommy i dont wanna gooo
us govt ows me and carp

u have to undersatd in ur pea sized barin GC is a privilage u could obtain if u hav a job that permenent job can be done when ur hear it can be done when ur in India

ifyour company layed u off u dont have a job ..u dont qualify

read the basic description of eb1 eb2 or eb3 catageorys

ur brought hear b coz there r not sufficiant skilled workers
and u have a job offer

market is not good there r plenty of uneducated hyderabadis with
fake degrees or allmost fake degrees ( b coms and b.a\'s) wandering
around who took advantage of the y2k boom

how can any govt help

mexico is neighbouring country they came out of desparation its usas
problem coz they r their neghbours ..if we are their neighbours then
US and India could have talk
besides quote and quote technically you ppl r skilled you should not
be desperate its not humanitary condition
if they agree for what u said
they should allow all the ppl who enter USA to have a GC which will be
already market is piled up with filth from india pakistan and bangladesh ...less the 40% of ppl who came r of rally skilled

they din come out of desparation

they jus came for

so take a ticket and stand in line dude

no offence
Decency seems to be a term absent from your vocabulary.

Besides, your \'language sense\' is incorrigibe if not horrible;wonder what do you do for a living !
That this part of the world is lenient and forgiving, of all persons, should be well understood by you first, since even people like you find a podium in this forum.

Remember, \'SILENCE\' is often a bliss for those who are unproductive.

So please .....
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Suribang, Don\'t be offended by aspersive comments of Srinu. I am sure most of us did sense what you are telling. Unfortunately, we have to deal with folks who express their views only in a very demeanor way. I have nothing to add other then asking you to think in other alternate legal routes.
