Question for Mumbai consulate only


Registered Users (C)

I needed some clarification on the verious amounts that need to be paid to the Mumbai US consulate. As I understand it, these are

1. The application fee and service charge (paid before taking an online
2. DD for 2300 (visa issuance fee) sent along with the 6-7 other mandatory
docs to reach the consulate 5 days prior to the actual appointment.

Are there any additional amounts we need to pay?. Do we need to take anything when we go for the interview (since the DD has already been submitted)?

Thanks in advance,
that is it for the fees.
call the VFS office for further details.
whatsinaname0 said:

I needed some clarification on the verious amounts that need to be paid to the Mumbai US consulate. As I understand it, these are

1. The application fee and service charge (paid before taking an online
2. DD for 2300 (visa issuance fee) sent along with the 6-7 other mandatory
docs to reach the consulate 5 days prior to the actual appointment.

Are there any additional amounts we need to pay?. Do we need to take anything when we go for the interview (since the DD has already been submitted)?

Thanks in advance,
A question on receipts

When you guys submitted the 2300Rs. issuance fee to VFS in Mumbai along with DS-156/157 forms, did the bank issue a receipt for that DD?