Question for Gilbert


Registered Users (C)
Dear Gilbert,

I have a question regarding the Expedited Naturalization Executive Order signed by Bush on 07/03/2002. My layman's understanding of the EO is that it allows expedited naturalization of aliens and non-citizens serving active duty in the Armed Forces of the US.
My AF reserve unit has issued me an active-duty order for the next 138 days while I go through basic military training and tech training at an Air Force Base in the US. It is not an order sending me out to a war but nonetheless it says I am ordered to "active duty" for the next 138 days.
I got my plastic GC back in November 03 but back dated to 03/2002, so under normal circumstances my N-400 filing isn't due until 03/2007.

If you wish please prviate message me with your opinion. And if in the fortuante event that I can benefit from the Exec. Order I would like the law firm you work for to assist me with my N-400 filing.

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