Question for finger print after 15 months


Registered Users (C)

I did my finger print in 08/2006, and it is approaching 15 months. Will USCIS send me another finger print notice before 15 months? What if I am traveling overseas and missed the notice? Thanks

I-485 RD 07/26/07, struck in backgroung check.
You can't be sure about FP. My spouse's FPs are 21 months old and still no notice for new FPs.


I did my finger print in 08/2006, and it is approaching 15 months. Will USCIS send me another finger print notice before 15 months? What if I am traveling overseas and missed the notice? Thanks

I-485 RD 07/26/07, struck in backgroung check.
Unfortunately you dont have another choice, you just have to wait until CIS send you new FP appointment -They will, for sure. It could be before the 15 months or way after that...when your case is close to be approved.

One thing for sure is that CIS will not approve your case if your FP are older than 15 months.

Good Luck,
They will send the forms to you

They will send the forms to you.
In my case they sent it at 18 months after my initial FP.