Question for Experts..does INS process cases based on the Receipt date or notice date


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It does seem that they assign the case number based on the notice date. This is date when actual data is entered into the sytem.sooo..receipt date or notice date?
I know this issue has been addressed a no. of times in the past and different people have presented different opinions and logics. But my strong feeling is that the cases are adjudicated based on the LIN Numbers, which are nothing but notice dates. If you carefully analyze the data in Rupnet(though it is just a miniscule representation of actual data) you will see that NSC is currently processing LIN numbers just above LIN-02-050. They were processing all the applications under 050 until a couple weeks ago and have now moved above that mark. They have processed a few 051s and 052s which actually correspond to NDs 12/1/2001 thru 12/3/2001. Because most of these numbers have RDs in NOV 01 it appears that they are processing based on RD but infact they seem to be doing that based on ND.
I have also done a little bit of research on Vermont processing and they are working on cases between EAC-02-055 and EAC-02-062 which correspond to NDs upto around 12/15/01. There was an approval from Vermont with an RD and ND of 12/12/01 and this person I think has a number EAC-02-061 or 062. People on the Vermont board went crazy about this approval questioning its authenticity as it is a Dec RD and they think BCIS hasn't started working on Dec Cases. But infact BCIS is processing cases merely on LIN(or EAC) numbers and because there is a wide variety of disparity in the gap between RD and ND between different applications people are finding it difficult to understand why a person is getting approved when his RD is later than theirs. The reason is simple, his ND may be earlier than yours giving him an earlier LIN number.
Bottom line, if there are two applications one with RD 11/25/01, ND 12/15/01 and another with RD 12/5/01 and ND 12/10/01 the latter will get approved first.

This is just my observation from the data I gathered from Rupnet, I may be completely wrong. I'd love to hear others' views on it.

I don't trust BCIS

Dear CMR,

I used to think in the same fashion as you do, but now I have no confidence in BCIS. To me it appears that they work on totally hap-hazard manner.

On Rupnet you can see there are some people with LIN 02-050 and ahead are approved, but there are many cases that have lesser number like 046, 047, 048, 049 etc. haven't got a RFE even.

Take my example my LIN number is 02-049-5XXXX, so far I haven't heard anything from BCIS. The online status and AVM still say that "on March 27, 2002, a notice to appear for FP was sent to you ..."

This is actually a frustrating mess ... I have no clue how these guys work ... if at all they work.

Thanks guys!

I agree with both CMR and thukralrk. I think they do process some cases in hap-hazard manner. Personally I had this experience with INS. I got my I140 approved in 8 days (beleive it or not). But in general they process cases based on the LIN number which represents the notice date and not the receipt date. I agree with you CMR that a person with earlier notice date will be processed before later notice date person, even if the first person has a receipt date later than the second person.
Bottom line is however they process whether by date, name or state or whatever... as long as they process quickly and regularly would be enogh for me.
Good luck all!!!!!!
case was assigned based on RD not ND

Totally speaking, BCIS process the case based on RD other than ND.
that's why some ppl with 047, 048,049 get appeoved but others are still waiting, 'cause the ppl who have those ND doesn't mean they get the same RD.
Bottom line, the RD just produce the LIN-02-0....... but RD decide the priority date which means they RD will decide who can be assigned to an officer first.
of course , there is some exception, such as RD 9/5/01 ND 9/15 get approved later than RD 9/8/01 ND 9/12/01, this difference is just made because one officer approve a case quickly than another officer who was assigned a case with almost RD.
hope my observation is correct.