Question for DIGS - 140 RFE updates?!?


Registered Users (C)

Do you have any updates on your I 140 RFE? I have the same officer code as yours. Please update.

Replied on 9/7/2005. Officer code is NSC/RTF EX277. LUD details in signature.
No, fortunately only the 140. I know its a bad sign if LUD changes on both 140 & 485.

No, my visa number is not current. Wonder why can't they use "MASTER CARD" or "AMERICAN EXPRESS" when VISA numbers are unavailable?!? ;)
Hi TIA/FAQ and other folks,

I'm sorry for not replying to your query early. I had to take time to relog into this forum after returning from my vacation. To be with the USCIS and its associates, I had to apply brakes, stop and put myself into reverse gear. It is unfortunate, but being in congruence, helps in creating less friction and less stress.

Nevertheless, I was in continuous contact with my (paid) attorney who took almost 50 days to inform that he needs additional documents from me to support my 140 RFE. After furnishing the required docs and making several phone calls, emails, I have been finally told that the reply has been mailed yesterday. The LUD on my 140 still shows Aug.1st, the day of RFE issuance and should change once they receive the response.

It is sad for not seeing threads of approvals in this forum. Apart from the frustration on 140, there is more agony on the 485 front where the PDs have retrogressed to a distant past. I appreciate Srini and others for their efforts in making a difference and hope the Congress acts favorably in a short time. I'm sure all members adversely affected are joining the techworkers in bringing an end to retrogression.

Wish the vacation for the USCIS soon ends.

With best wishes,


EB3, India
140 RFE, just responded
RD Apr04
PD Aug03