Question for Baobao


Registered Users (C)
Baobao, r u still here? I have a question for u. I read your early post regarding your interview. It looks you did not redo medic. Did you redo it? pls answer.
thanks in adv
what's ur problem?

The info I was trying to get may benifit many in the same situation as I have. Redoing medic or not is one of the most confusing things about transfer case. I strongly believe this kind of info realy deserves a public place here. Donot you think so?
frantic is right at pointing it. The content of your thread may help others in the forum, but the way you asked the question seems more appropriate for private msgs...

Anyway medical is not required to be redone as per new policy as they dont expire anymore...

most post authors like to add in the rear of their posters things like "I am not a lawer. Blahbah". It means their advice can only be used for reference. Even though medic memo clearly says no medic redo is necessary. Most if not all interviewee redo their medic just to be on the safe side. Actually, one thread in this forum mentioned that he was asked to submit new medic report duing the interview. So it is always a good idea to obtain info from people with such experiences. If Baobao doesnt want to answer my question, that is fine to me. What I donot undersatnd is why my post is deemed inappriate here. Donot u see many post nonsense posters here? Besides I donot know how to send private messages.
my case is arlington transfer case and it hasnt asked for the medical to be done again... I did do the 2nd FP and all..

It does make complete sense to be on the safe side.. We all do ask duplicate questions time to time...

Private messaging is easy and you can do thru user cp icon..

You are right about the fact that there is lot of irrevelant threads here...but lets not try to add one to it....

The heading would have been

"Question regarding medical redo - Need help"

and then mention Baobao in the message or in the title. The title is very specific to baobao now.
one more thing

Thw reason why I am anxious to know about medic is that in my interview letter, report of medic exam is lised as required. This is also the case for many other Newark interviewee.
for fratic

If I posted like what U just suggested, you probably would say: the post is only for baobao, why did you post your subject like that? Any way, my point is it seems you donot have much work to do in your office. You just want to harness someone by killing your work time.