Question about time


Registered Users (C)
Do person must came only 30 minutes before scheduled interview time, or he/she can come 2-3 hour before appointment time and get interviewed even before scheduled time? Or if not just sit in the waiting room till his time comes? Or they will not even let you in if you arrive 2-3 hours before your interview?
treat it like a job interview...come in @ least 1 hr before but does not guarantee that you would be earlier then scheduled. be on your best behavior. Good Luck!
You should NOT show up more than 30 mins in advance as space is usually limited. Follow the instructions on your appointment notice and don't try to outsmart the system. Act civilized and carry yourself as an AMERICAN if that's what you are willing to become.
Hey civilized AMERICAN jetector stop being so bossy. Answer the question, if you know the answer, and keep your BS opinions to your self. People just asking questions here without any intentions to "outsmart the system". And how exactly you outsmart it, if you came 2 hours early? Maybe it is how you do it but not me. Don't jump to conclusions you "civilized AMERICAN", not.
Are working as a security guard there :))
Hey civilized AMERICAN jetector stop being so bossy. Answer the question, if you know the answer, and keep your BS opinions to your self. People just asking questions here without any intentions to "outsmart the system". And how exactly you outsmart it, if you came 2 hours early? Maybe it is how you do it but not me. Don't jump to conclusions you "civilized AMERICAN", not.
Are working as a security guard there :))

I arrived 30 minutes in advance but was actually called in one hour later
than the scheduled time. So it is not wrong to arrive one hour early.

In fact in order not to miss it, I suugest one aim to arrive 2 hour earlier than
sceduled time even if you only want to show up 30 minutes in advance.
You can hang out around the USCIS building for 90 minutes.
"In fact in order not to miss it, I suugest one aim to arrive 2 hour earlier than
sceduled time even if you only want to show up 30 minutes in advance."

Exactly, that what I thought, also. Like they say, better be safe then sorry.
If you want to be truly safe, arrive the day before and sleep on the steps.

lmao. Good revenue opportunity for USCIS to collect more fees for lodging.

Serge - likely no benefit to being early other than peace of mind and planning around traffic conditions. So in your city, if that means 15 minutes early - great. If it means 2 hours early - good too.
To TheRealCanadian:

You do it, I prefer to arrive 2 hours before interview.
And like they say, don't try to be smart asss, with me :))
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You do it, I prefer to arrive 2 hours before interview.
And like they say, don't try to be smart *** with me :))

Like you say, better to be safe than sorry. What happens if your car won't start that morning?

Seriously, follow the instructions on the interview notice.
I am, but I also have the right to ask question. Remember, freedom of speech and dissent. And here NEW americans jumped on me with they orders, suggestion, instructions, conclusions, etc.
I have to tell you, you are so law-abiding it is even scary :))

OK. topic is closed thank you to every one for your participation.
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I am, but I also have the right to ask question. Remember, freedom of speech and dissent. And here NEW americans jumped on me with they orders, suggestion, instructions, conclusions, etc.
I have to tell you, you are so law-abiding it is even scary :))

OK. topic is closed thank you to every one for your participation.

Dude, seriously, breathe deep and count to 10. You are sounding like a person with anger management problems. I wonder if that could be considered grounds of ineligibility under the good moral character requirement. Personally, I do NOT care if you get naturalized or deported. This is a forum inteded to provide private tips about the law and the system. You are free to take them or not. If I sounded bossy to you, it was certainly not my intention, but noone can take away from me my experience as an immigrant and an attorney. What I said would have been the same exact piece of advice I would have given to any of my clients. No reason to take it personal.
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to jetector:

Can you read "topic is closed thank you to every one for your participation."
And you sounding like a person with a problems of understanding simple sentences. I asked simple question and you started give orders and make stupid conclusions about my intentions. If you are real attorney people should stay away from your services, no offense meant.
I am not angry, but when you are asking simple question and in return hear accusations instead of an answer, it wasn't be wrong on my part to get angry. Anger without a reason is a problem, anger with a reason is normal reaction of the normal person.
Go on the motorcycle. :D

Get a rental.

Ask a neighbor.

Always have back up transport for something as important as the interview and oath dates. :)

What if the car stop on the highway to the interview? Ask teh police for a free ride?
Just camp out in the nearest park to DO building or stay in hotel for 2 days before your interview:))))
Serge16- Your replies reflect an immature teenager. Some of jetector's replies were over the line but yours were stupid.

I don't know how many job interviews you have been through but you will put yourself on wrong footings if you come 2 hours before your scheduled time--- Think and think hard::: you will get your rely.
I don't know how many job interviews you have been through but you will put yourself on wrong footings if you come 2 hours before your scheduled time--- Think and think hard::: you will get your rely.

I don't think anyoen will get into trouble by arrining 2 hour early. If the security guards won't let you in, then you can hang out outside the buidling
for 2 hours. If the security let you in, I really don't think one more person
will make waiting area explode. So the inetrview receptionist will not care that much.

Of course you can say if everyone arrive 2 hour early then the normal scehdule will be disprupted and waiting room may be overpcrowded.
If others do not do that and only one does it, at most you can say such a
person is a little bit selfish but I don't see a big deal here.
There is nothing wrong if a person wants to be there 2 hours earlier. Especially people travelling long distances and if the DO is in a large/crowded city.

It makes them feel comfortable and if there is not enough room, the DO officers (or security guards) shouldn't allow them inside anyway.