Question about talking to IIO ?


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Hi friends

In all the communications from my lawyer\'s office, they advise us not to talk with the IIO, as it may delay our case. I have filed my 485 in June and recently did FPs also. I am yet to receive EAD . I feel like I should talk to IIO to find out the status of my EAD and the FP quality and what stage my 485 ( system1/system 2 ) ? Do you guys have any idea why lawyers advise us not to talk to IIO ? Is the theory that talking to IIO might delay our cases make any sense ? Please post your experiences .

Thanks for all your help in advance.

about talking to IIO

Lawyers say a lot of things, including the most common "you just have to wait". From what I hear, calling the IIO doesn\'t really affect your case unless ofcourse you\'re calling too many times. I\'m not a legal expert though so you might want to confirm it with someone if you want, but calling once just to find out whats happening seems ok. Best of Luck.
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I had seen posts here previously stating calling once a week won\'t harm anything on u\'r case and i guess that\'s most of the people do on an average who have finsihed FP and waiting for approval..
No Title

What is the best for people who have not recvd FP & 120 days are over & Attorney does not want to do anything.
Normally Fax Enquiry would work but currently INS sends back standard reply saying wait for 120 days

I\'ll advise that you still go through Fax Level 1 and Level 2 .. enquiries - I think you won\'t lose anything (I\'m not a lawyer - so use the advise carefully).
You may have to wait 120 days from Sept 28, 2001


I remember reading an INS release after they went with the new FP scheduling system. It seemed to state in effect that you need to wait for 120 days AFTER Sept28, 2001 to send in an enquiry. If I remember your case details correctly, you are an April mailer and it is unfortunate that you have not even got an FP notice when folks with RD of April 10 have been approved. I suggest you talk to your attorney and ask them to interpret the INS release and tell you what date it is that you have to wait for 120 days after. Is it still your RD/ND or Sept 28, 2001. Some cases just seem to get lost in the INS quagmire and it is worth pursuing an explanation. Your attorney should be able and willing to help. Wish you speedy processing.
Can some one tell me which number I should use to call IIO

Can some one tell me which number I should use to call IIO and check status of my case.
Talking to an IIO

The reason an attorney may advise you not to call the IIO is that there is a possibility that the IIO could ask you a question or for you to make a statement that could jeopardize your petition/application.. For instance, let\'s say that you filed an I-485 and were laid off 4 months after filing. You call the IIO and due to your frustration and concern you mention something about not working for the sponsoring employer (also, now you are not properly maintaining your H-1 status either). Even if this is a misstatement you might be in for some problems.

Attorneys also do not like you to know more than they do and if you call the IIO you may know more about your specific case than they do. It\'s easier for you to follow your case closely since you are only concerned about one case while the attorney may be handling hundreds at any given time.

Thanks jim. That was really helpful

Hi Jim

Thanks for your advise. I think I am going to make my first attempt to reach IIO this Monday.
