Question about labor approval (PERM)


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My company filed for my labor (PERM) about 3 weeks ago. I was informed today that the approval had arrived by mail yesterday.

I was under the impression that my company would first receive a letter asking them to verify the details. I also believe that this is called the 45 day letter. I have no clue. I hope I'm making sense.

Does the approval always involve the 45 day letter or whatever it is called? Or does DOL approve the labor without sending out the verification letter?

I haven't seen the approval as yet but the wording is "... has been certified.." or something to that effect.

Can someone please shed some light on this?

From your signature it looks like you had to restart your whole process... Sorry to hear that first of all.

In the PERM process, the only thing -outside of audits- you have to communicate from the time you submit the application is the e-mail that your employer responds to acknowledging that they are indeed applying for you.
You are confused with the old type of processing. The 45-Day Letter is only for old RIR / Regular Processing cases which were transferred to the backlog centers (I.E. cases filed before March 28, 2005). There is no sort of correspondence in between the filing (except the employer completing the DOL Q) unless there is an audit before approval.

For goodness sakes! Your case has been approved! Go have a beer & celebrate!! :)

snafu said:
My company filed for my labor (PERM) about 3 weeks ago. I was informed today that the approval had arrived by mail yesterday.

I was under the impression that my company would first receive a letter asking them to verify the details. I also believe that this is called the 45 day letter. I have no clue. I hope I'm making sense.

Does the approval always involve the 45 day letter or whatever it is called? Or does DOL approve the labor without sending out the verification letter?

I haven't seen the approval as yet but the wording is "... has been certified.." or something to that effect.

Can someone please shed some light on this?


I'll drink to that. I'm opening a bottle of Johnny Walker - Gold as I write this.. :D

I have another bottle of Johnny Walker - Blue label for the I-140 approval. At this stage I'm not even thinking about the I-485 approval.

Cheers! Here's to small triumphs ;)
Share the wealth, fellas !! If I were waiting for an I-485 approval, I'd bust out the crystal wine glasses and buy a bottle of the most expensive champagne ... from the local party store ;-)
I guess, I started the party way too early.

Today, I was told by my company that they might delay the filing of the I-140 because in the recent past they had applied for 3 I-140s' through premium process and had received a query on all of them. But they were subsequently approved.

I guess I should outline the scenario in a detailed manner. I currently work for company A and have an application (I-140/I-485) through company A pending. The owners of my company have another company B. They are not legally related in any way, though both the companies are run out of the same office.

My new labor was filed through company B. Since I do not work through company B, my employer says that if there is a query, I will not be able to produce pay stubs etc. So he suggests that I switch my H1 to company B and then after say 3 months or so, apply for the I-140 through premium processing. I have a feeling I'm being fed a load of crock.

They failed to inform me that they might not file the I-140 immediately when I began the PERM process. The same thing happened 3 years ago when I filed for the current I-140 using a sub labor. Paid 10,000 just for the labor (excluding attorney fees). I came to know that they had received denials(I-140) after I paid them and my case was filed. A few months ago, I was told that if there is a query on my pending I-140, it will most definitely get denied as the company A had shown losses the in the year the labor was originally filed. Quite a few I-140s from company A had been denied on this basis.

So guys, any suggestions?

I have a stable job and the client is prepared to wait indefinitely for my green card. So I'm willing to switch companies and apply for a GC afresh. I can transfer my contract to the new company. Any reputable companies that you guys could suggest?

It's tough having to go through all this again after 3 years of waiting.