Question about interview.


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Hey guys

I have a question about the interview. Me and my wife got married December 09, and I applied for the GC in August, because I had to get a waiver for when I was an exchange student 3 years earlier and that waiver took forever it was very stressful but anyway, I came to US as an exchange student 3 years ago, its when I met my wife, we started dating, and then after going back home I got a visitors visa and came back twice, and the second time we got married after two years together. I always came here legally and stayed in status.
My question is, we've been living with her parents since I got here, and we are also pretty young (20), and considering I didn't have a social I don't have any contracts in my name and my wife's name that I can take to the interview to prove we live together.
Her parents wrote two affidavits, and I have a bunch of pictures since dating, she even visited my home country to meet my parents so we have pictures of that also, but will that be enough at the interview?? and answering the questions that we will be asked?? Or should I try to do something else to prove our marriage is good?? I don't have a social so can't really get a contract on anything...
Answers much appreciated.

Thanks guys
opening an account is not a problem just go to a bank and tell them that i have to open a joint bank account.... you should have a passport show your passport as form of identification and take a mail which is in your name (thats for the proof of address). Just in case take the marriage certificate also, Its worth a try
Yes I am already planning on opening a joint bank account next week and also see if we can get a phone in our name. But do you guys think that should be ok?? I mean we are in good faith and all that, and have plenty of pictures, is just I know they want to see proof of address and all that...just wanting to make sure I go prepared....
Alright thanks guys for your answers. I'll take bank account, phone bill, affidavits from her parents that we live with and a bunch of pictures, hopefully it will be enough...