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Question about dvlottery.state.gov


New Member
Why the official dvlottery.state.gov site was down for 2 days and now pass protected!! is that means the electronic verification system would be up in a few days or maybe hours????!!!!
It's interesting that you have brought up this question because I was also checking the dvlottery.state.gov website these days hoping that they would start the verification system now but I doubt it because what I think is that they are waiting to round the whole process of sending the NL's and only then could they create a database of all winners so that we could check if someone of us is a lucky one.
it is still down. suspicious. what is going on this year... no NLs for ASIA as of May, barely NLs outside the US and now this
They are preparing the web site so We can check our status online , for first time this year.
I think that`s my its down now.
Good luck
well, the USPS mails were hijacked by the somalis parates in transit as it was alluded to in the forum. Perhaps same thing happened to the official dvlottery.state.gov site which was hacked by chinese???
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I Think

they are so bankrupt that they are shutting the whole process down.
You dont need to shutdown a site to try the verification process, that makes no sense.
Hi fr, I dont understand what you are talking about word ''bankrupt'' in processing.
What do you mean?
Anyone that has an interview has to pay $775. 775 * 50,000 is more then enough to pay for the cost of the DV.
The whole DV cost for US government is not a lump sum money.
alemitmee is right. The total fee of all applicants that pay for interview is enough for expense.
Why the official dvlottery.state.gov site was down for 2 days and now pass protected!! is that means the electronic verification system would be up in a few days or maybe hours????!!!!
well, the USPS mails were hijacked by the somalis parates in transit as it was alluded to in the forum. Perhaps same thing happened to the official dvlottery.state.gov site which was hacked by chinese???
humor :)
they are so bankrupt that they are shutting the whole process down.
You dont need to shutdown a site to try the verification process, that makes no sense.
That USA is out of money so I dont think they will keep this process going on.
Anyone that has an interview has to pay $775. 775 * 50,000 is more then enough to pay for the cost of the DV.
The whole DV cost for US government is not a lump sum money.
alemitmee is right. The total fee of all applicants that pay for interview is enough for expense.


After all; they are just building the script to login-logout, account, database, trafficking, technical support, tracking, search engine listing, layout, graphics yadda yadda...
Us gov't have more than enough money to afford this.
Just use your imagination; Youtube itself has capacity to handle more than millions of visitor each month.
If they are building scripts and stuff, why the site is down?
you dont need to shut down a site if you are developing access to it through login.
If they are building scripts and stuff, why the site is down?
you dont need to shut down a site if you are developing access to it through login.
Very good question !:D
It's more doubtful. Maybe they shut down it forever.:confused:
hi i've got the NL of DV 2010 But got confused about few things . plz help me out solving these......

1.I'm single and received the white envelope on my name and I'm not residing in the USA.
so should I feel up only form DS -230 part1& 2 or both DS-230 and DSP-122?

2.I'm single and got the letter on my name so I've to feel-up a single copy of the forms (i e: only for me) or every members of my family(i e: 1 copy each for my mother,father & brother)?

3. Should I feel-up the forms by hand writing or I have to print the answers of each questions and then only put the signature by my hand?

4.should I send only my photo or each member of my family?

Please help me out brothers coz I've very little idea about the forms & English .And I'm staying in some part of the earth where I'll have none to help me. so please help.please write to :

hi i've got the NL of DV 2010 But got confused about few things . plz help me out solving these......

1.I'm single and received the white envelope on my name and I'm not residing in the USA.
so should I feel up only form DS -230 part1& 2 or both DS-230 and DSP-122?

2.I'm single and got the letter on my name so I've to feel-up a single copy of the forms (i e: only for me) or every members of my family(i e: 1 copy each for my mother,father & brother)?

3. Should I feel-up the forms by hand writing or I have to print the answers of each questions and then only put the signature by my hand?

4.should I send only my photo or each member of my family?

Please help me out brothers coz I've very little idea about the forms & English .And I'm staying in some part of the earth where I'll have none to help me. so please help.please write to :


Please don't flood the post..if you are confused atart a new thread and ask whatever you need to ask..and again please don't post in unrellevant topics
Anyone that has an interview has to pay $775. 775 * 50,000 is more then enough to pay for the cost of the DV.

And that is a total of 38,750,000 USD (more than 38 millions dollars) to run the program. It is not only self-funded, but there could be a surplus to offset part of the nation deficit :D