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Question about Case Numbers


Registered Users (C)

Could you please help me to understand this issues:

1. How to know if a case number is high or low?
2. How it affect the hole process?


dear friend

case number plus the abbreviated prefix of your region(continent) is an identifier that indicates how many people are before or/and after you in your region.
for example supposed that some body's case number is 2008AS5268, it means:
1. he is winner of the year 2008
2. he is from Asia
3. his rank is 5268 out of for example 11000 for the Asia region.
now is the turn of importance of the numbers:
you know that every year about 50000 lottery visas granted to winners participants, but the point is the KCC(Kentucky Consular Center) announces more than 50000 people(for example this year they announced about 80000) each year in case, this extras are in reserve.
one important thing is if they've written the word "CONGRATULATIONS" at the top of your notification letter it is a good reason that you are not among the reserves and you have a chance to get the visa.

if you write your case number here,many experienced friends like Barbara-Catseyes-Anahit and ... can help & guide you more but be sure to write your last 2 digits of your number this way 2008AS52XX.
hope it helps
good luck
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by the way why do people dont write the last numbers of the case number like this 52XX ?

Is there any risk saying his case number?
This is the age of identity theft, so it's better to have strangers know less about you, rather than more. I haven't heard of any horror stories involving stolen case numbers but it's better to be safe than sorry. (Especially since knowing the case number exactly won't do any good for the average forum reader).

Good luck to all.