Question #16: Does "cited" include traffic tickets or violations


Registered Users (C)
Please advise on how you have dealt with QUestion #16:

- "Have you EVER been arrested, cited, ..... by any law enforcement officer?"

I fully understand that a traffic ticket is technically a 'citation' by a 'law enforcement officer'.

BUT is this really what this question is after?? It seems to me that only serious offences for which one has been cited or arrested need to be mentioned here... skipping a STOP sign or speeding slightly over the limit are not what they are after. Am I wrong?

ALSO, if one were to answer YES, and list a couple of tickets, does that mean that the date of the traffic ticket needs to be researched from the past many years, and proof of the ticket and cheque payment of fine need to be dug up somehow (otherwise the INS will send a missing documentation related notice).

Please share informed opinions and advice. Not looking for any guesswork here.

Many thanks,
Please report all moving violations in the N400. does CIS really care about these ? Not unless you have like 10 in the last 2 years.
CitizenKane said:
Please advise on how you have dealt with QUestion #16:

- "Have you EVER been arrested, cited, ..... by any law enforcement officer?"

I fully understand that a traffic ticket is technically a 'citation' by a 'law enforcement officer'.

BUT is this really what this question is after?? It seems to me that only serious offences for which one has been cited or arrested need to be mentioned here... skipping a STOP sign or speeding slightly over the limit are not what they are after. Am I wrong?

Please share informed opinions and advice. Not looking for any guesswork here.

Many thanks,

Just order your driving record from state DMV and bring it with you to interview. Lots of minor violations dont even go on your report, so why do you have to report them on application?
I have seen on different threads that some people go to such lenght as saying that every time you stopped by law enforcement have to be reported on application. It is silly. As example, I'm driving 18-wheeler for 12 years. Every time weight station is open I have to pull in, on avereage 2 times per week I have to go around a building, park and bring my paperwork inside. Is it considered stop? On average I receive 1-2 tickets per month(minor stuff, equipment, 100 lbs over on axle and such), never contest them, usual violation is $35, just paying a fine and that is it. My driving record is perfectly clean, so if i listened to people who says that you have to report every citation, i would be still preparing my N-400 trying to explain 150 violations over period of 12 years. Be real.
By the way I passed my interview and just waiting for name check to clear.
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I would answer no to this question if all you have is petty offense traffic tickets. i.e. offenses punishable by fine only
If you mention a minor citation (not a DUI) over 7 years old on the application do you need to bring a copy of the ticket or a receipt even though the interview invitation letter does not ask you to? If you cannot obtain them is it going to be a show stopper?
traffic violations more than 5 yrs old

Is it really necessary to list traffic violations more than 5 years old? Myabe this will just create more work for both the CIS & yourself??
JoeF said:
In other words, you would lie...
Lying on an immigration application, i.e., hiding a material fact, is a deportable offense, so I'd suggest to avoid lying...

I agree with you most of the times, but I beg to disagree with you on this. It is a material fact only if the disclosure of the fact would have caused the application to be rejected and you did not disclose it. Could you or the immigration officer prove that they would have rejected the application based on just this fact, provided the other information that you gave them were true.

Let's say you had dated your signature incorrectly (knowingly) on the application form and the circumstantial evidence prove that the date was incorrect. Would they still reject the application? This is still a lie. However, it does not stand the penalty of prejury test and so they cannot reject it based on this alone. However, it may lead them into scuritinizing the application further.
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What abt the traffic tickets, which comes in mail???? I mean in that case there is no law enforcement officer involoved, Community/Subrubs just sent you the tickets based on the picture taken by the camers installed at the traffic lights. I don't think these tickets would even come on your driving records. What do you guys think?
Should one include such tickets as well? specially if they have sent by the local community/subrub????
One can choose to be as anal as one wants. But immigration is not interested in anything that falls short of full fledged arrest. By reporting anything less you are wasting your time and theirs. If this does not allow one to sleep at night, that person can disclose whatever he wishes, including parking tickets for the past 20 yrs, and travel to each municiplaity to obtain dispositions and proof of payment of the same.
Some jargons-

As "Stallion" has put it, instead of being "Anal" it might be better to be "Oral" at the interview and take "Back up" proofs of all tickets etc from the DMV.THis might "Consumate" into a succesful citizenship process and result in a "Happy Ending" to everyone concerned.

No PUNS intended guys.. :) .. just little humor to lighten up this drab citizenship process.
JoeF said:
Things that come from the community are not citations. Only law enforcement officers can issue citations.
However, red light cameras are nowadays often operated by the police, and they issue citations (for one account of the issues in my neighborhood, see here:; and no, it's not me; I have seen the cameras in action, but not because of me...)
So, if the mail states that it is a citation, it has to be listed.

Hi JoeF,

Well It was a citation but I checked faqs at my suburb's websites it says:

What effect does a red light camera citation have on my driving record and insurance?

Citations for “camera enforced” red light violations are civil penalties, similar to a parking ticket. No record of the violation goes to your insurance company or the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles.

And I believe civil penalties are not required to be mentioned on N-400 ?????
Traffic violations

I agree with Stallion. I have not heard of anyone who has been in trouble with the CIS for not listing simple taffic violations. The more you show them, they will be happy, but does not necessarily mean that is required. Does anyone know of a person who has been delayed or denied cause of not listing traffic violations in the application??
Bottom line is, the safest way is to report everything that comes to mind. Because if it turns to be important than one does not want to lie about it, (after all this country has been fair to you, the least one can do is be fair to her, they have the same right as you do), if it is not important or is not even considered citation than no harm will be done anyhow. One may have a peace of mind for the years to come as nobody can tell him in the future that he did not report something and he should. If in the future conflict with autorities arises (IRS problem for instance), they of course can use anything in their armamentarium to discredit you. With full right. And possible dare consequences as everything can be presented as a mal intent.

But I do think that people should not be doing something that not even the USCIS is requiring them to do. Like bringing proof of payments etc. If it is not asked, no need to do it. Do if it is asked from you. I did had some reservation weather to report traffic incident (inadequate auto insurance) 11 years ago, but guided by the above premises I did it. If it is something US would look upon as lack of moral character, than so be it, this is not the right country for me than. If it is minor and non important issue than I will have peace of mind that I reported everything. It is not the end of the world if one does not become US citizen. What matters is full integrity and honesty. All the best.
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itc said:
If it is something US would look upon as lack of moral character, than so be it, this is not the right country for me than. If it is minor and non important issue than I will have peace of mind that I reported everything. It is not the end of the world if one does not become US citizen. What matters is full integrity and honesty. All the best.

I agree with you. however, not everyone (and in fact, may be most of the people out there) would agree with you. In fact, they think they work hard in this country (well, they have to work smart and work hard) ; they pay tax (big deal!); and they think they deserve a citizenship from United States so they can get their family to here; to apply fed gov't job.. etc etc