Qs. on listing "Affiliations" on N-400


New Member

Part 10 B of N-400 asks for a list of every organzation, fund foundation, etc. that you have been affiliated with. I understand that professional organizations need to be listed.

Does this include:
(1) every charitable organization I made a donation to?
(2) do public radio station memberships qualify in the list?

Any other information highly appreciated.

Thank you!
That question asks for information about political and social organizations. The example you cite, including the one to which you donated your case, I think do not have to be included.

I think you should include organizations that you have been participating actively.
Anyways, If you include this information that´s not going to hurt you.
good luck
I queried my attorney on this, thinking surely USCIS doesn't need to see things like public radio memberships (donating does make you a member), PTA memberships, etc. Attorney said to provide everything, as complete a list as possible. So my application eventually went to USCIS with a 30-item list of past and present affiliations.
don't waste their time by filling out your membership in the AAA, local PBS station, PTA, or the
Book Club...

The govt only wants to know if you're actively involved in a trade union(Teamsters, for example),
or worse, communist party or Neo-Nazi groups.(which would probably mean immediate refusal
of your application)
Thank you everyone for your responses! I appreciate the cooperation on the forum!

I decided to just play safe and list anything that sounds like "member". Was not a terribly long (less than 20) list but easier to just add a sheet of paper than to be concerned!