Qs about GC stamping


Registered Users (C)
To all who got approved and had their passport stamped

Did you guys take the courtesy copy of approval sent to you for stamping or the original approval letter sent to your lawyer?

If you know your attorney is going to mail the original to you in a few days time would be better to wait for it and take the original.

There are of course lot of folks here who used the courtesy copy and got the stamping done. It all depends on the officer you run into at the local INS office, if (s)he is not too picky about the version of the approval notice (original or courtesy) you should be fine.

By the way where are you planning to go to for stamping ( I mean which place?)

Good Luck

Thanks! I'm planning to go to the LA District office. That's where the notice says I should go to. I got an Infopass appointment for Aug 5th.
L. A. Pp Stamping Experience

The courtesy copy of the Notification is ok.
I had my PP stamped on July 21. Got INFOPASS Appointment for 6:30AM.
We were on line starting @ 6:00AM. Make sure you have your INFOPASS with you. It only took a total of 1HR & 20 MINS for the whole process & I was out!
I did not have my I-94 (lost)this is OK according to my lawyer, but make sure you have your CA ID or DL, current EAD, 2 ADIT Photos (with your full name & Alien # in pencil at the back), Passport of course, also current-must be good at least 1year before it expires. And your APPROVAL NOTIFICATION.
The IIO will ask for all this & will make you go back to your seat for about 15mins more or less (maybe depending on how your IIO move). Then you will be called back on the counter with the same IIO. She or he will take your Index FP & Signature 3x. And then, start stamping your Passport & also writes some stuff on it.... Congratulate you and then YOU ARE FREE!!!
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Thanks a lot for sharing your experience. did you get separate infopass for you and your wife? As it seems from your experience and that of others, IIO's do not ask for company EVL or any other documents like W2, paystub. etc in approved cases.

congrats on your approval.

I did it in LA as well. Courtesy copy is more than ok at LA. Take the info given in your Courtesy letter also your EAD/AP's that should be it. As far as the infopass goes one appt is enough either in your name or your wife's name.

garun said:

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience. did you get separate infopass for you and your wife? As it seems from your experience and that of others, IIO's do not ask for company EVL or any other documents like W2, paystub. etc in approved cases.
went with courtesy notice only

no one even asked for the original. it was an in/out operation - very fast. my office was SFO.

in fact my retarted lawyer hasnt even sent the original yet - its been 10 days.

Bogs said:
.... but make sure you have your CA ID or DL, current EAD, 2 ADIT Photos .........


You mentioned that a CA ID is also required. I dont have a CA ID as I am not in California any more though I am using a CA address for the GC process. Is this really necessary? I was under the impression that it is not needed.

Can any one shed some light on this please.


FHN said:
I dont have a CA ID as I am not in California any more though I am using a CA address for the GC process. Is this really necessary? I was under the impression that it is not needed,

My wife and I stamped at SF last week. We were not asked for any photo ID other than our Passports.
Courtesy copy is sufficient for PP stamping! I did my stamping at SJ on 07/23/2004 using the same. Also, take all EAD's & Advance parole doc's (current as well as old) in addition to I-94's, 2 ADIT photographs, Passport, Photo ID (Driver License)....
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