Q for Lucy


Registered Users (C)
Sorry to be a pest, but I was tracking the messages and I understand that you were a student with 212e in 94-95 from Russia. I am guessing a high schooler and I have an idea of what that program is.

Let's say I am in a very very similar situation. I got the letter. I am only curious if your program was the same as mine (most interested in this) and just a rough idea what you put in the statement of reason.

It would greatly help my sleep. :) Thanks in advance.

P.S. If you don't wish to disclose it here. Maybe I could contact you somehow?
I was an undergraduate exchange student through one of Freedom Support Act programs, sponsored by USIA.

In my statement of reason I listed all of the difficulties I was certain to encounter in Russia, since my entire family is here in the States, and wouldn't even have a place to go to. Without "propiska" it would be pretty difficult to function. I also expressed my concert about being able to continue my research in Russia (after my graduate studies). Also, financial and emotional distress my departure would cause my husband and my parents. And so forth. Good luck!
Hmmm...I was also an FSA student. But in high school. As an undergrad you surely received waaaaay more than I did from DOS. (considering host families absorb a lot of costs for HS folks) Sigh...maybe I do have a shot then.
Thanks a lot. I am bit more calm now. :)