publication and citation organization


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I have 30 papers and 80 citations. How to organize them in application?

I plan to only print several representative papers in full size.
Is it good to print all of them? That would be too much (over 200 pages)
For each citation, I plan to print out the cover page, the citation page and the reference page. But it's still a lot (240 pages)
Double side printed or single side?
Also how to bind them finally? Get all pages binded together as a book? or just fold them together.

Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.
I had 76 citations I guess, for maybe 6-8 papers. I did following (sorry did 2 years ago so do not recall details).

1) I had a list of all my citations, for all papers, I got it from some database (I now do not remember) and it came in a form of a list with my paper (as ref), then who was citing (his reference with title, journal etc, contact address, and abstract of this paper and maybe list of ref for this paper). This was a lot, maybe 150 pages or so. I did cut it a little by removing abstracts etc. and I left only my ref (which was cited), and ref who was citing me (without abstract). After I formatted it, it came to maybe 40-70 pages.
I submitted it as an attachment (i think printed double-sided). I highlighted something there to make it easier to look through.

2) I did write a summary of this citations. I wrote something like cover letter titled 'summary of citations for xx papers of Dr.YY', and I gave the list of papers cited, total citation #, and I gave a list of countries where my work was cited, and how many times cited in which country. I listed some info I got from contact addresses and mentioned it were leading Universities/companies. I got a quite nice list! I also gave reasons why my other papers were not cited (written in language other than English). This document was 1 or 2 pages.

Hope this helps.
Addition (sorry I thought the question was on citations only): citations I did as reply on RFE.
What I did with publications (initial application) was:
Submitted full list of publications with full references, 1st and last pages, including abstracts published in Conf.proceedings.
As attachment, I did submit all my papers full-size (complete reprints, all pages) which are in English in leading journals. For the rest I did only 1st page.
For conference presentations, I just did a list of them.
I am not sure if they were bound or not, I think not (my lawyer did submit my I-140 and I just gave him all publications he requested).
Thanks compass. Information you provided is invaluable!
My problem is I searched most of my citations from google. So there is not a good formatted list of them compared with info retrieved from some database. I am wondering if I simply provide a list of them, could it be call an "evidence"?
I am not sure about the name of the database I did my search, maybe ICS? IS? Institute of/for Scientific something..
This is a nice 'official' database, available for free at i think any university. Results look nice...
I did not work for university at that time, so I found this info and the website and learned how to do the search, and then i just went to a university library and did the search from there. I saved the file on floppy, i think you can also e-mail results of your search. it was easy, you insert your name and get the list, later you can sort out extra refs that are not yours, and manually shorten the list.
cjw said:
Thanks compass. Information you provided is invaluable!
My problem is I searched most of my citations from google. So there is not a good formatted list of them compared with info retrieved from some database. I am wondering if I simply provide a list of them, could it be call an "evidence"?

I don't know in which field you are working but SciFinder and Science Citations Index are easy ways to use databases for that purpose.

Just one additional comment. You should make a difference between citations which just cite your paper but don't go into detail about the results of your papers and papers which have a discussion/your name mentioned and which for examples have structures (I am a chemist) or reactions you invented. For the last one you should always print out those papers and mark this parts and discuss them in your evidences. The paper which just cite your paper are not as important but can be summarized in a list. USCIS makes a big difference between those different types of citation. (See also there rejected cases)
honkman said:
I don't know in which field you are working but SciFinder and Science Citations Index are easy ways to use databases for that purpose.

Just one additional comment. You should make a difference between citations which just cite your paper but don't go into detail about the results of your papers and papers which have a discussion/your name mentioned and which for examples have structures (I am a chemist) or reactions you invented. For the last one you should always print out those papers and mark this parts and discuss them in your evidences. The paper which just cite your paper are not as important but can be summarized in a list. USCIS makes a big difference between those different types of citation. (See also there rejected cases)

Good points! Thanks

one point!!!

I don't have all papers in good journals.
Most of mypapers are average like having impact factor of 2-4.
Shall i write that or just pretend ignoring.
here I want to add that these papers are well cited and describe mywork sentences ....only group reporting this..........reports are scanty etc etc..............
About impact factor 2-4: I had same, and what I did was to get a list of journals IN MY AREA, and show that in this area they are one of the I had an attachment as such list of all journals in myscientific topic and a lot of them had impact factor of 1 and even my journals (I highlighted them) were on the top of that list