Proof of Bonafide Marriage or lack thereof : /

Wondering how you guys have shown/diffrentiated pictures of 'before marriage' and 'after marriage'.

Have you printed them with date/time on it? Otherwise how you make them understand that which photos belong to which duration?

Sorry for the dumb question :)

Also, how we can show letters/greeting cards sent to each other. Do we need to keep the envelopes as well, as with evelopes only we can show when those were received/mailed out?

Sorry for the dumb question :)

Any comments....

If the pics in camera have dates automatically on the bottom right corner of the pics, you should be fine. Otherwise, you can write down small notes (like, "At XX place on So and So Date", etc) with a pen on the back of the pics. Its not a big deal.

Regarding the cards, if you have the envelopes, you're good to go. If you don't, its fine too. Obviously one can always argue that you can produce this kinda proof a day before interview, but that's why you have to provide other pieces of evidence too, like lease docs, joint bills, etc.
bring a lawyer

Probably not. They're just able to get away with it. If the OP brought a lawyer the IO wouldn't have acted like that.

Can you just bring a lawyer with you, or do you have to let them know in advance that you're bringing your lawyer? It might just be worth it -- I keep hearing these horror stories!

hy2934 what a stressful experience! But glad it worked out for you after all!!
Can you just bring a lawyer with you, or do you have to let them know in advance that you're bringing your lawyer? It might just be worth it -- I keep hearing these horror stories!

The lawyer is allowed to show up at the interview without advance notification, but you must fill out a form G-28 with the lawyer's name on it, and present the G-28 at the interview if it wasn't submitted before.
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bring a lawyer

The lawyer is allowed to show up at the interview without advance notification, but you must fill out a form G-28 with the lawyer's name on it, and present the G-28 at the interview if it wasn't submitted before.

You are a font of info! Thanks, I made a memo of it in case we go that route.