Project Kashmir:WAC-02 all I485 case status

Kashmir, I think you seem to be missing some cases like mine where a RFE was issued on May 14th. my case number is wac02032X365X.
Originally posted by logx
Kashmir, I think you seem to be missing some cases like mine where a RFE was issued on May 14th. my case number is wac02032X365X.
Hi logx,
Thanks for your mentioning about your case.

Your previous status was "RESUMED on 3/28/2003", wasn't it ?
I think it being included in my yesterday's post :

WAC02032$081$ 2003-05-16 RFE sent 2003-05-14 <- 2003-03-28 resumed

If this is not yours, let me know,
Kashmir, that isn't mine. mine is WAC02032-x365x.
RFE issued on May 14/2003, AVM rsumed message March 28th/2003
Originally posted by logx
Kashmir, that isn't mine. mine is WAC02032-x365x.
RFE issued on May 14/2003, AVM rsumed message March 28th/2003
Hi, logx,
WAC02032$081$ is not WAC-02-03-50810 nor something like that but 81st I485 case of WAC-02-032.
It matches WAC-02-032-x385x and its previous status was the same as yours, too.
For the deatail about case numbers, please read this link:
question for database


i have one question about the touched cases.
it seems that the touched cases only include RFE sent and transferred. why it does not have RFE received, resumed? perhaps it is why our case #s do not show in the recent touched case.
Re: question for database

Originally posted by guowx

i have one question about the touched cases.
it seems that the touched cases only include RFE sent and transferred. why it does not have RFE received, resumed? perhaps it is why our case #s do not show in the recent touched case.
Hi, guowx,
> it seems that the touched cases only include RFE sent and transferred.

Yes, but plus "FP sent".

> why it does not have RFE received, resumed?

The above three status changes mean the CSC took a action such as:
RFE sent : the CSC sent RFE to applicant or attorney
Transferred : the CSC transfered the case (to a local office)
FP sent : the CSC sent FP notice to applicant

On the other side, "FP received", "Resumed", and "RFE received" are passive,
and usually before that, one of three active status changes should be reported.
So, I think they are not "newly touched" but they had been "already touched".

However, "2nd fingerprint" becomes more important recently.
It may be technically difficult to check those status changes automatically
because it requires all previous status changes per case
but I started scanning only a couple of months before.


It seems i get it.

the touched status only shows the CSC's positive action(sent) and the previous scanned status shows the passitive action (received). If no recent possivtive action, the scanning program can not show the touched case, that is, the programming can not show whether CSC receive FP/REF or not.

this is why my family cases are not shown in the list of new touched cases.
WAC-02-116,119,120,127 status as of 5/18/2003

First scan completed through February 2002.
WAC-02-116 status as of 05/18/2003
Approved .............   5 ( 3%) ... 2 aproved on 4/29/2003, 2 on 4/25, 1 on 4/22
Transferred ..........   6 ( 3%)
RFE ..................   2 ( 1%)
Fingerprint .......... 137 (74%)
Received .............  29 (16%)
Others ...............   7 ( 4%)
Total ................ 186

WAC-02-119 status as of 05/18/2003
Approved .............   6 ( 3%) ... 2 approved on 9/13/2002
RFE ..................   2 ( 1%)
Fingerprint .......... 118 (67%)
Received .............  45 (26%)
Others ...............   5 ( 3%)
Total ................ 176

WAC-02-120 status as of 05/18/2003
Approved .............  20 (10%) ... 2 approved on 4/3/2003
RFE ..................   6 ( 3%)
Fingerprint .......... 135 (69%)
Received .............  35 (18%)
Total ................ 196

WAC-02-127 status as of 05/18/2003
Approved .............   6 ( 3%) ... 1 approved on 6/11/2002
Transferred ..........   9 ( 5%)
RFE ..................   3 ( 2%)
Fingerprint .......... 107 (56%)
Received .............  64 (34%)
Others ...............   2 ( 1%)
Total ................ 191
WAC-02-128 status as of 5/18/2003

WAC-02-128 status as of 05/18/2003
Approved .............   3 ( 1%) ... 2 approved on 11/26/2002, 1 on 11/14/2002
Transferred ..........  12 ( 4%)
Fingerprint .......... 205 (67%)
Received .............  84 (28%)
Total ................ 304
Hi kashmir

Please run WAC-02-134-XXXXX for once....
I saw ur earlier link,, I don`t understand anything about that how to do that. I am sorry to say like this....but it is true.

I appreciate if u can do it....

WAC-02-131..289 approvals

All known I485 cases of WAC-02-131 thru 289 were scanned this morning,
and six new approvals (maybe two families) were found.
case number*  scanned    status        approval date              previous scanned status
WAC02180$056$ 2003-05-19 approved      2003-05-16              <- 2003-02-20 transferred
WAC02180$063$ 2003-05-19 approved      2003-05-16              <- 2003-02-20 transferred
WAC02180$070$ 2003-05-19 approved      2003-05-16              <- 2003-02-20 transferred

WAC02181$072$ 2003-05-19 card ordered (2003-05-14..2003-05-14) <- 2002-06-14 resumed
WAC02181$079$ 2003-05-19 card ordered (2003-05-14..2003-05-14) <- 2002-06-14 resumed
WAC02181$082$ 2003-05-19 card ordered (2003-05-14..2003-05-14) <- 2002-06-14 resumed
Kashmir, what is your observation, do you think INS is concentrating on mostly nov/dec. cases, or are they going totally haywire and looking at just about whatever they feel like?
Originally posted by Silly Man
Kashmir, what is your observation, do you think INS is concentrating on mostly nov/dec. cases, or are they going totally haywire and looking at just about whatever they feel like?
Hi, Silly Man,
For the last week, the CSC seemed to focus November cases, especially before 11/16/2001.
I will scan all I485 cases tomight to get the accurate numbers of the last week.
Good evening

My I485 number is WAC-02-138

I'm wondering if someone can try to scan this 'range" for me?

I really Appreciate, and thanks a million in advance!

WAC-02-129 status as of 5/19/2003

WAC-02-129 status as of 05/19/2003
Approved .............  11 ( 7%) ... 1 approved on 5/15/2003, 3 on 3/4/2003, 1 on 2/24/2003, 2 on 10/30/2002
Transferred ..........   3 ( 2%)
RFE ..................   1 ( 1%)
Fingerprint .......... 117 (75%)
Received .............  24 (15%)
Others ...............   1 ( 1%)
Total ................ 157

Hi Kashmir

could you run your report for the WAC-02-126-xxxxx I485 cases? Thanks in anticipation.
hi kashmir!

i just found this site yesterday and i think it is such a great help for most of us.

since i am new here, can you help me with what you are doing with the WAC numbers?

i am trying to track down the time frame for the I-485 approval in california.

please help... thank you!
