Project Kashmir:WAC-02 all I485 case status

Some people had requested me to scan case status for specific date.

I understand that everyone on this forum are suffering from the I485 processing delay at BCIS CSC
and that some cases are very critical.

However, BCIS Online seems to limit the number of inquiries up to 1,000 times per IP address.
I am using several proxy servers, but it has still limitation
because it takes a longer time due to overhead
and only a few proxy servers support HTTPS.

I'm very sorry but I cannot deal with each request
for the above reason.

Even if you cannot handle proxy servers,
you can still scan 1,000 cases per day.
Posting your result (or e-mail to me is OK) would help all I485 applicants having been waiting for a long time,
including yourself.

Is it worth generating some sort of sign-out scheme? One where you post the days you still need and each of us signs up to do that day and give you back a list for all 485 reciept numbers for that day. That way we might avoid duplicated effort.

Is that worth while or too much effort?
Request to scan WAC-02-205-52XXX Series

Hi, I noticed some approval already for the WAC-02-207 per statistical table provided earlier. Kashmir, will you be kind to scan the 205 series? The information you have provided is extremely informative. Thanks.
Reg WAC list

Hi Kashmir & others,

I have been visiting this forum recently. It is quite interesting and encouraging to see what you guys are doing. It is a good effort. But a small clarification. Could there be any problem with the algorithm ? My WAC number (02-066-xxxxx) is not listed in there. I don't have java installed on my machine. I was thinking of installing it on Monday and running the script posted by Kashmir.

If it is just running a script and giving you the status I can do it too.

I agree that if the information of WAC numbers are accurate, then it might be possible to make an assessment of how INS work is progressing with certain amount of accuracy and probably get an estimate of when a particular WAC number be cleared provided there is some consistency in the way INS works.

This is a very good start.

Will let you know on Monday.

WAC-02-046,065,073,275 status as of 4/6/2003

WAC-02-046 status as of 04/06/2003
Approved/Completed ... 224 (44%)
Transferred ..........  36 ( 7%)
RFE Received .........  32 ( 6%)
RFE Sent .............   9 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 140 (27%)
FP Sent ..............   8 ( 2%)
Received .............  53 (10%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   4 ( 1%)
Misc .................   7 ( 1%)
Total ................ 513

WAC-02-065 status as of 04/06/2003
Approved/Completed ...   9 (10%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  57 (66%)
FP Sent ..............   1 ( 1%)
Received .............  19 (22%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   1 ( 1%)
Total ................  87

WAC-02-073 status as of 04/06/2003
Approved/Completed ...   3 ( 3%)
Transferred ..........   1 ( 1%)
RFE Sent .............   3 ( 3%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  76 (75%)
FP Sent ..............   2 ( 2%)
Received .............  16 (16%)
Total ................ 101

WAC-02-275 status as of 04/06/2003
Approved/Completed ...   4 ( 2%)
Transferred ..........   1 ( 0%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 108 (51%)
FP Sent ..............  39 (18%)
Received .............  42 (20%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   4 ( 2%)
Misc .................  15 ( 7%)
Total ................ 213
WAC-02 status table as of 4/6/2003

WAC02    Aprv         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc Total
001       224    25    10     2    17     1    19     1     4   303
   04/04  (74%)  (8%)  (3%)  (1%)  (6%)  (0%)  (6%)  (0%)  (1%)
002        16    17     7     -     4     -     1     -     9    54
   04/04  (30%) (31%) (13%)        (7%)        (2%)       (17%)
003        17     2     1     2     7     -     -     -     3    32
   04/04  (53%)  (6%)  (3%)  (6%) (22%)                    (9%)
008         2     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     3
   04/04  (67%)                                     (33%)      
009        76     6     -     2    10     -     4     -     -    98
   04/04  (78%)  (6%)        (2%) (10%)        (4%)            
010        90     -     3     -     7     -     3     1     -   104
   04/04  (87%)        (3%)        (7%)        (3%)  (1%)      
014         2     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     3
   04/04  (67%)                         (33%)                  
015         -     -     -     -     -     -     2     -     -     2
   04/04                                     (100%)            
019         -     1     -     -     -     1     1     -     -     3
   04/04        (33%)                   (33%) (33%)            
020         6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     6
   04/04 (100%)                                                
031        16     9     5     1    10     -     4     -     -    45
   04/04  (36%) (20%) (11%)  (2%) (22%)        (9%)            
032        75    14    21     4    64     4    19     -     2   203
   04/04  (37%)  (7%) (10%)  (2%) (32%)  (2%)  (9%)        (1%)
043        95    14    22     2    74     2    15     5     5   234
   04/05  (41%)  (6%)  (9%)  (1%) (32%)  (1%)  (6%)  (2%)  (2%)
045       204    24    42    12   114     9    51     -     2   458
   04/05  (45%)  (5%)  (9%)  (3%) (25%)  (2%) (11%)        (0%)
046       224    36    32     9   140     8    53     4     7   513
   04/06  (44%)  (7%)  (6%)  (2%) (27%)  (2%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
049       125    14    28     4   120    10    31     3     2   337
   04/05  (37%)  (4%)  (8%)  (1%) (36%)  (3%)  (9%)  (1%)  (1%)
050       144    15    15     2    86     2    30     2     3   299
   04/05  (48%)  (5%)  (5%)  (1%) (29%)  (1%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
057         5     -     1     -   136     8    34     1     1   186
   04/05   (3%)        (1%)       (73%)  (4%) (18%)  (1%)  (1%)
063         2     5     1     -    77    10    19     -     -   114
   04/05   (2%)  (4%)  (1%)       (68%)  (9%) (17%)            
065         9     -     -     -    57     1    19     1     -    87
   04/06  (10%)                   (66%)  (1%) (22%)  (1%)      
070         9     3     -     -   107     6    26     1     -   152
   04/05   (6%)  (2%)             (70%)  (4%) (17%)  (1%)      
073         3     1     -     3    76     2    16     -     -   101
   04/06   (3%)  (1%)        (3%) (75%)  (2%) (16%)            
083         -     -     -     -    79     1    15     -     3    98
   04/05                          (81%)  (1%) (15%)        (3%)
089         2     2     -     4   149     5    43     2    12   219
   04/05   (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (68%)  (2%) (20%)  (1%)  (5%)
100         7     -     -     1   132     -    49     -     5   194
   04/05   (4%)              (1%) (68%)       (25%)        (3%)
105         5     -     1     -   131    27    35     -    11   210
   04/05   (2%)        (0%)       (62%) (13%) (17%)        (5%)
124         -    10     -     -   173     1    74     -     1   259
   04/05         (4%)             (67%)  (0%) (29%)        (0%)
150         3     1     -     -   123    13    33     1     4   178
   04/05   (2%)  (1%)             (69%)  (7%) (19%)  (1%)  (2%)
200        15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3    75
   04/05  (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
271         -     2     1     1   124    43    34     2    21   228
   04/05         (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (54%) (19%) (15%)  (1%)  (9%)
273         4     2     -     -   113    70    42     4     4   239
   04/05   (2%)  (1%)             (47%) (29%) (18%)  (2%)  (2%)
275         4     1     -     -   108    39    42     4    15   213
   04/06   (2%)  (0%)             (51%) (18%) (20%)  (2%)  (7%)
total    1384   205   192    49  2282   264   724    33   117  5250
          (26%)  (4%)  (4%)  (1%) (43%)  (5%) (14%)  (1%)  (2%)
WAC02 I485 case numbers of 29 days

Attached is the list of I485 cases numbers.
It includes 4,689 cases for the following dates:
001 002 003 008 009
010 014 015 019 020
031 032 045 046 049
050 057 065 070 073
083 089 100 105 124
150 200 271 273

Some people posted the list on this thread.
Some people sent me the list by e-mail,
and agreed on my posting the data.
Attached list includes these case numbers.

I didn't include the case numbers that was sent by e-mail and that I have not confirmd agreement of my posting the data.
If you think I may post it, let me know.
Otherwise, I will not post it.

As my time is limited, I have not enough time to analize collected data.
Also, some people seem to have good tools to analize data already.

Opening the list of I485 case numbers,
I expect that many tools are written
and that many valuable data are posted.
My attempt is just a start.

I deleted the attachment on 4/12/2003.
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Hi, ND022202,
> BTW, i think, general statistics are not that informative,
> what matters is dynamics, how many and which cases are now being processed
Thanks for you posting the data,
and I agree on your comment.
I have not written a tool for this purpose, but I plan.
Also, I know some people have already posted this kind of information on specific date.
As many case numbers are opened to everyone now,
we will see some great information being posted soon.

Hi, Just shoot me,
> Is it worth generating some sort of sign-out scheme?
Thanks for your posting the list of many dates.
I think your idea is worth, too,
however, I have no time to manage.
Thanks again for your proposal, anyway.
I hope this thread or forum works well.
If it being really needed, I (or someone) shall consider it.

Hi, samrat1,
> My WAC number (02-066-xxxxx) is not listed in there.
> I was thinking of installing it on Monday and running the script posted by Kashmir.
Thanks for your considering to work on WAC-02-066.
If you need my help about my program, let me know.

I'd really appreciate your supports and comments.
Kashmir : Good Job

Kashmir, you have done a great job.

But I have a suggestion, There is no use to get the status above WAC-02-075-XXXXX because JIT date is 16-Nov-2001.

I think getting status till WAC-02-075 is good enough( RD till 31-DEC-2001). Also its nice to have a list without the approved cases as we dont have to scan them again and again.

pls help me too

Hi Kashmir, I see you are doing a wonderful job.

I know i am being selfish but i sincerely request you to explore

WAC-02-126-.... and let me know where i stand. I am getting desparate by the day and its been three years since i met my parents. My wife had problems with the I-94 extension and so now she cannot go even on an AP and obviously i am stuck too.

Please do help me if you can and suggest when you feel i will PROBABLY get my gc.

Anxious Dumbo!!
RD : FEB 25
ND : MAR 04
Hi, Jitup,
> There is no use to get the status above WAC-02-075-XXXXX because JIT date is 16-Nov-2001.
Thanks for your suggestion.
However, in addition to ND022202's comment at the previous post,
there are a lot of I485 applicants with bigger number than WAC-02-075.
Those status may not be actively changed, but I believe the number of cases and the status would be still helpful for those people.

> Also its nice to have a list without the approved cases as we dont have to scan them again and again.
Your second suggestion is good.
We can save inquiries to BCIS Online and get the information effectively.

Hi, dumbo,
> WAC-02-126-.... and let me know where i stand.
> Please do help me if you can and suggest when you feel i will PROBABLY get my gc.
Sorry but I can do nothing.
I am only an engineer and don't have enough knowledge about immigration to advise you.
My guess does not help you at all, or even worse, it will confuse you.
However, here are many knowledgeable people in this forum,
and someone may suggest you kindly.

Hi, ND022202,
Thanks for your having kept posting new data.
All people in this forum, of couse including me, would greatly appreciate it.

WAC-02-036..039,059, and 087 status as of 4/6/2003

WAC-02-036 status as of 04/06/2003
Approved/Completed ...  42 (33%)
Transferred ..........   7 ( 5%)
RFE Received .........  25 (20%)
RFE Sent .............   5 ( 4%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  33 (26%)
Received .............  12 ( 9%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   4 ( 3%)
Total ................ 128

WAC-02-037 status as of 04/06/2003
Approved/Completed ...  66 (44%)
Transferred ..........  11 ( 7%)
RFE Received .........  16 (11%)
RFE Sent .............   8 ( 5%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  34 (23%)
FP Sent ..............   2 ( 1%)
Received .............   7 ( 5%)
Misc .................   7 ( 5%)
Total ................ 151

WAC-02-038 status as of 04/06/2003
Approved/Completed ...  24 (43%)
Transferred ..........   2 ( 4%)
RFE Received .........   4 ( 7%)
RFE Sent .............   2 ( 4%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  14 (25%)
Received .............   5 ( 9%)
Misc .................   5 ( 9%)
Total ................  56

WAC-02-039 status as of 04/06/2003
Approved/Completed ...  40 (65%)
Transferred ..........   6 (10%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  10 (16%)
FP Sent ..............   3 ( 5%)
Received .............   2 ( 3%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   1 ( 2%)
Total ................  62

WAC-02-059 status as of 04/06/2003
RFE Received .........   1 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  62 (89%)
Received .............   7 (10%)
Total ................  70

WAC-02-087 status as of 04/06/2003
Approved/Completed ...   2 ( 1%)
Transferred ..........   1 ( 1%)
RFE Sent .............   4 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 130 (71%)
FP Sent ..............  13 ( 7%)
Received .............  32 (17%)
Misc .................   1 ( 1%)
Total ................ 183
WAC-02-103 and 117 status as of 4/6/2003

Thanks to ND022202.
WAC-02-103 status as of 04/06/2003
Approved/Completed ...   5 ( 3%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 136 (77%)
Received .............  36 (20%)
Total ................ 177

WAC-02-117 status as of 04/06/2003
Resumed/FP Received .. 110 (58%)
FP Sent ..............  36 (19%)
Received .............  38 (20%)
Misc .................   6 ( 3%)
Total ................ 190
WAC-02 status table as of 4/6/2003

WAC02    Aprv         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc Total
001       224    25    10     2    17     1    19     1     4   303
   04/04  (74%)  (8%)  (3%)  (1%)  (6%)  (0%)  (6%)  (0%)  (1%)
002        16    17     7     -     4     -     1     -     9    54
   04/04  (30%) (31%) (13%)        (7%)        (2%)       (17%)
003        17     2     1     2     7     -     -     -     3    32
   04/04  (53%)  (6%)  (3%)  (6%) (22%)                    (9%)
008         2     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     3
   04/04  (67%)                                     (33%)      
009        76     6     -     2    10     -     4     -     -    98
   04/04  (78%)  (6%)        (2%) (10%)        (4%)            
010        90     -     3     -     7     -     3     1     -   104
   04/04  (87%)        (3%)        (7%)        (3%)  (1%)      
014         2     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     3
   04/04  (67%)                         (33%)                  
015         -     -     -     -     -     -     2     -     -     2
   04/04                                     (100%)            
019         -     1     -     -     -     1     1     -     -     3
   04/04        (33%)                   (33%) (33%)            
020         6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     6
   04/04 (100%)                                                
031        16     9     5     1    10     -     4     -     -    45
   04/04  (36%) (20%) (11%)  (2%) (22%)        (9%)            
032        75    14    21     4    64     4    19     -     2   203
   04/04  (37%)  (7%) (10%)  (2%) (32%)  (2%)  (9%)        (1%)
036        42     7    25     5    33     -    12     4     -   128
   04/06  (33%)  (5%) (20%)  (4%) (26%)        (9%)  (3%)      
037        66    11    16     8    34     2     7     -     7   151
   04/06  (44%)  (7%) (11%)  (5%) (23%)  (1%)  (5%)        (5%)
038        24     2     4     2    14     -     5     -     5    56
   04/06  (43%)  (4%)  (7%)  (4%) (25%)        (9%)        (9%)
039        40     6     -     -    10     3     2     1     -    62
   04/06  (65%) (10%)             (16%)  (5%)  (3%)  (2%)      
043        95    14    22     2    74     2    15     5     5   234
   04/05  (41%)  (6%)  (9%)  (1%) (32%)  (1%)  (6%)  (2%)  (2%)
045       204    24    42    12   114     9    51     -     2   458
   04/05  (45%)  (5%)  (9%)  (3%) (25%)  (2%) (11%)        (0%)
046       224    36    32     9   140     8    53     4     7   513
   04/06  (44%)  (7%)  (6%)  (2%) (27%)  (2%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
049       125    14    28     4   120    10    31     3     2   337
   04/05  (37%)  (4%)  (8%)  (1%) (36%)  (3%)  (9%)  (1%)  (1%)
050       144    15    15     2    86     2    30     2     3   299
   04/05  (48%)  (5%)  (5%)  (1%) (29%)  (1%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
057         5     -     1     -   136     8    34     1     1   186
   04/05   (3%)        (1%)       (73%)  (4%) (18%)  (1%)  (1%)
059         -     -     1     -    62     -     7     -     -    70
   04/06               (1%)       (89%)       (10%)            
063         2     5     1     -    77    10    19     -     -   114
   04/05   (2%)  (4%)  (1%)       (68%)  (9%) (17%)            
065         9     -     -     -    57     1    19     1     -    87
   04/06  (10%)                   (66%)  (1%) (22%)  (1%)      
070         9     3     -     -   107     6    26     1     -   152
   04/05   (6%)  (2%)             (70%)  (4%) (17%)  (1%)      
073         3     1     -     3    76     2    16     -     -   101
   04/06   (3%)  (1%)        (3%) (75%)  (2%) (16%)            
083         -     -     -     -    79     1    15     -     3    98
   04/05                          (81%)  (1%) (15%)        (3%)
087         2     1     -     4   130    13    32     -     1   183
   04/06   (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (71%)  (7%) (17%)        (1%)
089         2     2     -     4   149     5    43     2    12   219
   04/05   (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (68%)  (2%) (20%)  (1%)  (5%)
100         7     -     -     1   132     -    49     -     5   194
   04/05   (4%)              (1%) (68%)       (25%)        (3%)
103         5     -     -     -   136     -    36     -     -   177
   04/06   (3%)                   (77%)       (20%)            
105         5     -     1     -   131    27    35     -    11   210
   04/05   (2%)        (0%)       (62%) (13%) (17%)        (5%)
117         -     -     -     -   110    36    38     -     6   190
   04/06                          (58%) (19%) (20%)        (3%)
124         -    10     -     -   173     1    74     -     1   259
   04/05         (4%)             (67%)  (0%) (29%)        (0%)
150         3     1     -     -   123    13    33     1     4   178
   04/05   (2%)  (1%)             (69%)  (7%) (19%)  (1%)  (2%)
200        15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3    75
   04/05  (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
271         -     2     1     1   124    43    34     2    21   228
   04/05         (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (54%) (19%) (15%)  (1%)  (9%)
273         4     2     -     -   113    70    42     4     4   239
   04/05   (2%)  (1%)             (47%) (29%) (18%)  (2%)  (2%)
275         4     1     -     -   108    39    42     4    15   213
   04/06   (2%)  (0%)             (51%) (18%) (20%)  (2%)  (7%)
total    1563   232   238    68  2811   318   863    38   136  6267
          (25%)  (4%)  (4%)  (1%) (45%)  (5%) (14%)  (1%)  (2%)
proposal toward next step

We have scanned case status of 42 dates and got 6,267 I-485 case numbers.

Our next step is to get more usuful information.
As some people had already mentioned before,
the information which I have been providing at this thread are not enough.
I have some idea but don't have enough time to develop it.
however, better tools seem to exist already.

So, I'm thinking about providing not only the list of case numbers but also raw data including status in full description.
As I posted at 2nd page of this thread,
it is in TSV (Tab Separated Values) format with 4 fields.
For the latest data consisting of 6267 cases status,
its size is about 2MB, but reduced to less than 100KB by zip.

Also, it will reduce duplicated inquiries to BCIS Online.
New tool developer does not need to waste time to access BCIS Online.

So, to open my raw data and to share it among us,
1) we can eliminate our duplicated efforts
2) we can expect excellent tools being developped and many usuful information being provided.

Of course, I understand some risks
and some people will not be comfortable with it.

We may need some discussion.
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great work!

Like the idea! great work and good progress.

BTW, you missed wac-02-042 :( just like INS!


I see some cases got approved from WAC-02-271 and 273. Any idea what those cases may be?

As far as I know these cases also should be EB cases as CSC accepts only EB cases.

WAC-02-047 and 048 status as of 4/7/2003

WAC-02-047 status as of 04/07/2003
Approved/Completed ... 124 (38%)
Transferred ..........  35 (11%)
RFE Received .........  28 ( 9%)
RFE Sent .............  16 ( 5%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  88 (27%)
FP Sent ..............   5 ( 2%)
Received .............  23 ( 7%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   3 ( 1%)
Misc .................   1 ( 0%)
Total ................ 323

WAC-02-048 status as of 04/07/2003
Approved/Completed ...  18 (60%)
Transferred ..........   1 ( 3%)
RFE Received .........   4 (13%)
RFE Sent .............   1 ( 3%)
Resumed/FP Received ..   6 (20%)
Total ................  30