Project Kashmir:WAC-02 all I485 case status


I have the I485 WAC list of wac-02-063 i can send them to u by email i guess there are 114 entries so that it can help u.

Can you check status on WAC-020-040-52XXX

Hey guys... Can anyone check on the status on WAC-020-040-???

sash we are getting there.

kashmir, I have 02-46 list, I can email you that, it'll save you some time if nothing else.
Just shoot me,

Are your lists full or partial? They seem to be partial which means no accurate statistics can be obtained. Could you please clarify?
my e-mail address

RM_CSC, Silly Man,

Thanks for your offer.

I set up my profile to accept e-mail.
Hi Kashmir, I see you are doing a wonderful job.

I know i am being selfish but i sincerely request you to explore

WAC-02-126-.... and let me know where i stand. I am getting desparate by the day and its been three years since i met my parents. My wife had problems with the I-94 extension and so now she cannot go even on an AP and obviously i am stuck too.

Please do help me if you can and suggest when you feel i will PROBABLY get my gc.

The list posted is the complete list for all 485's filed at CSC for each of the six days ( 050, 100, 150, 200, 271, 273). Cumulatively there is a little over 1200 applications for these six days.

Anybody else have any that they can post to make Kashmir's job easier?

Great Job Kashmir!!!

Has anyone of you ran the java program for WAC02080XXXXX to WAC02089XXXXX? Can you please post that also if possible.

Thanks & Regards


here you go:

activity in 2003
3/14/2003 RFE sent (4 cases)

total 183
not yet approved 181
Many thanks !!

TO: who sent me your valuable data;

Thank you so much.
It is really helpful.
I could save a lot of inquiries to BCIS Online.

Some people don't mind to post the list of I485 case numbers at this forum,
but others seem to do.
We may need some discussion in future.

Anyway, I will update the current status here.

Thanks again,
WAC-02-032 status as of 04/04/2003

WAC-02-032 status as of 04/04/2003
Approved/Completed ...  75 (37%)
Transferred ..........  14 ( 7%)
RFE Received .........  21 (10%)
RFE Sent .............   4 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  64 (32%)
FP Sent ..............   4 ( 2%)
Received .............  19 ( 9%)
Misc .................   2 ( 1%)
Total ................ 203

WAC-02-032-50001 .. 58747
WAC-02 status of various dates as of 4/5/2003

WAC-02-043 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...  95 (41%)
Transferred ..........  14 ( 6%)
RFE Received .........  22 ( 9%)
RFE Sent .............   2 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  74 (32%)
FP Sent ..............   2 ( 1%)
Received .............  15 ( 6%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   5 ( 2%)
Misc .................   5 ( 2%)
Total ................ 234

WAC-02-045 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ... 204 (45%)
Transferred ..........  24 ( 5%)
RFE Received .........  42 ( 9%)
RFE Sent .............  12 ( 3%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 114 (25%)
FP Sent ..............   9 ( 2%)
Received .............  51 (11%)
Misc .................   2 ( 0%)
Total ................ 458

WAC-02-049 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ... 125 (37%)
Transferred ..........  14 ( 4%)
RFE Received .........  28 ( 8%)
RFE Sent .............   4 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 120 (36%)
FP Sent ..............  10 ( 3%)
Received .............  31 ( 9%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   3 ( 1%)
Misc .................   2 ( 1%)
Total ................ 337

WAC-02-050 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ... 144 (48%)
Transferred ..........  15 ( 5%)
RFE Received .........  15 ( 5%)
RFE Sent .............   2 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  86 (29%)
FP Sent ..............   2 ( 1%)
Received .............  30 (10%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   2 ( 1%)
Misc .................   3 ( 1%)
Total ................ 299

WAC-02-057 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   5 ( 3%)
RFE Received .........   1 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 136 (73%)
FP Sent ..............   8 ( 4%)
Received .............  34 (18%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   1 ( 1%)
Misc .................   1 ( 1%)
Total ................ 186

WAC-02-063 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   2 ( 2%)
Transferred ..........   5 ( 4%)
RFE Received .........   1 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  77 (68%)
FP Sent ..............  10 ( 9%)
Received .............  19 (17%)
Total ................ 114

WAC-02-070 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   9 ( 6%)
Transferred ..........   3 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 107 (70%)
FP Sent ..............   6 ( 4%)
Received .............  26 (17%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   1 ( 1%)
Total ................ 152

WAC-02-083 status as of 04/05/2003
Resumed/FP Received ..  79 (81%)
FP Sent ..............   1 ( 1%)
Received .............  15 (15%)
Misc .................   3 ( 3%)
Total ................  98

WAC-02-089 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   2 ( 1%)
Transferred ..........   2 ( 1%)
RFE Sent .............   4 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 149 (68%)
FP Sent ..............   5 ( 2%)
Received .............  43 (20%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   2 ( 1%)
Misc .................  12 ( 5%)
Total ................ 219

WAC-02-100 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   7 ( 4%)
RFE Sent .............   1 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 132 (68%)
Received .............  49 (25%)
Misc .................   5 ( 3%)
Total ................ 194

WAC-02-105 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   5 ( 2%)
RFE Received .........   1 ( 0%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 131 (62%)
FP Sent ..............  27 (13%)
Received .............  35 (17%)
Misc .................  11 ( 5%)
Total ................ 210

WAC-02-124 status as of 04/05/2003
Transferred ..........  10 ( 4%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 173 (67%)
FP Sent ..............   1 ( 0%)
Received .............  74 (29%)
Misc .................   1 ( 0%)
Total ................ 259

WAC-02-150 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   3 ( 2%)
Transferred ..........   1 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 123 (69%)
FP Sent ..............  13 ( 7%)
Received .............  33 (19%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   1 ( 1%)
Misc .................   4 ( 2%)
Total ................ 178

WAC-02-200 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...  15 (20%)
Transferred ..........   1 ( 1%)
RFE Received .........   2 ( 3%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  44 (59%)
Received .............  10 (13%)
Misc .................   3 ( 4%)
Total ................  75

WAC-02-271 status as of 04/05/2003
Transferred ..........   2 ( 1%)
RFE Received .........   1 ( 0%)
RFE Sent .............   1 ( 0%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 124 (54%)
FP Sent ..............  43 (19%)
Received .............  34 (15%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   2 ( 1%)
Misc .................  21 ( 9%)
Total ................ 228

WAC-02-273 status as of 04/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   4 ( 2%)
Transferred ..........   2 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 113 (47%)
FP Sent ..............  70 (29%)
Received .............  42 (18%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   4 ( 2%)
Misc .................   4 ( 2%)
Total ................ 239
WAC-02 status table

WAC02     Aprv         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
  scanned Cmpl  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc Total
001 04/04  224    25    10     2    17     1    19     1     4   303
            74%    8%    3%    1%    6%    0%    6%    0%    1%     
002 04/04   16    17     7     -     4     -     1     -     9    54
            30%   31%   13%          7%          2%         17%     
003 04/04   17     2     1     2     7     -     -     -     3    32
            53%    6%    3%    6%   22%                      9%     
008 04/04    2     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     3
            67%                                       33%           
009 04/04   76     6     -     2    10     -     4     -     -    98
            78%    6%          2%   10%          4%                 
010 04/04   90     -     3     -     7     -     3     1     -   104
            87%          3%          7%          3%    1%           
014 04/04    2     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     3
            67%                           33%                       
015 04/04    -     -     -     -     -     -     2     -     -     2
019 04/04    -     1     -     -     -     1     1     -     -     3
                  33%                     33%   33%                 
020 04/04    6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     6
031 04/04   16     9     5     1    10     -     4     -     -    45
            36%   20%   11%    2%   22%          9%                 
032 04/04   75    14    21     4    64     4    19     -     2   203
            37%    7%   10%    2%   32%    2%    9%          1%     
043 04/05   95    14    22     2    74     2    15     5     5   234
            41%    6%    9%    1%   32%    1%    6%    2%    2%     
045 04/05  204    24    42    12   114     9    51     -     2   458
            45%    5%    9%    3%   25%    2%   11%          0%     
049 04/05  125    14    28     4   120    10    31     3     2   337
            37%    4%    8%    1%   36%    3%    9%    1%    1%     
050 04/05  144    15    15     2    86     2    30     2     3   299
            48%    5%    5%    1%   29%    1%   10%    1%    1%     
057 04/05    5     -     1     -   136     8    34     1     1   186
             3%          1%         73%    4%   18%    1%    1%     
063 04/05    2     5     1     -    77    10    19     -     -   114
             2%    4%    1%         68%    9%   17%                 
070 04/05    9     3     -     -   107     6    26     1     -   152
             6%    2%               70%    4%   17%    1%           
083 04/05    -     -     -     -    79     1    15     -     3    98
                                    81%    1%   15%          3%     
089 04/05    2     2     -     4   149     5    43     2    12   219
             1%    1%          2%   68%    2%   20%    1%    5%     
100 04/05    7     -     -     1   132     -    49     -     5   194
             4%                1%   68%         25%          3%     
105 04/05    5     -     1     -   131    27    35     -    11   210
             2%          0%         62%   13%   17%          5%     
124 04/05    -    10     -     -   173     1    74     -     1   259
                   4%               67%    0%   29%          0%     
150 04/05    3     1     -     -   123    13    33     1     4   178
             2%    1%               69%    7%   19%    1%    2%     
200 04/05   15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3    75
            20%    1%    3%         59%         13%          4%     
271 04/05    -     2     1     1   124    43    34     2    21   228
                   1%    0%    0%   54%   19%   15%    1%    9%     
273 04/05    4     2     -     -   113    70    42     4     4   239
             2%    1%               47%   29%   18%    2%    2%     
total     1144   167   160    37  1901   214   594    24    95  4336
            26%    4%    4%    1%   44%    5%   14%    1%    2%
Hi, "Just shoot me",
Thanks for your having posted the I485 case number list of several dates.
It's really saving my time of inquiry to BCIS Online,
and your contribution would be greatly helpful for everyone in this forum.
Thanks again,
totally 1,304,599 inquiries required at first !!

WAC-02 has 289 days.
Attached is the list of maximum case number per date.
Here is the list of total per 10 days.
001-010 18887
011-020 26486
021-030 66557
031-040 61656
041-050 59610
051-060 56575
061-070 65563
071-080 41593
081-090 57228
091-100 53614
101-110 42233
111-120 48472
121-130 39397
131-140 35819
141-150 36588
151-160 29107
161-170 40408
171-180 34668
181-190 35333
191-200 40683
201-210 40268
211-220 44220
221-230 41550
231-240 49233
241-250 43138
251-260 50280
261-270 49170
271-280 53631
281-289 42632
total 1304599
A huge number of inquiries are required,
however, sharing data among us will drastically contribute reducing the number of inquiries per person.
It woluld help each other.
maximum case number per date

WAC0200154728 WAC0200251301 WAC0200351032 WAC0200450982 WAC0200551324
WAC0200650272 WAC0200751389 WAC0200851452 WAC0200954390 WAC0201052017
WAC0201150379 WAC0201251517 WAC0201352501 WAC0201453016 WAC0201553642
WAC0201653671 WAC0201752592 WAC0201850721 WAC0201954137 WAC0202054310
WAC0202154422 WAC0202257152 WAC0202357686 WAC0202451866 WAC0202558305
WAC0202658924 WAC0202759397 WAC0202858325 WAC0202958213 WAC0203052267
WAC0203159026 WAC0203258747 WAC0203359432 WAC0203459237 WAC0203558073
WAC0203652897 WAC0203752411 WAC0203852416 WAC0203951827 WAC0204057590
WAC0204159281 WAC0204256550 WAC0204354802 WAC0204458817 WAC0204558997
WAC0204657701 WAC0204753296 WAC0204851772 WAC0204953050 WAC0205055344
WAC0205156830 WAC0205256903 WAC0205361282 WAC0205454772 WAC0205553135
WAC0205655119 WAC0205755363 WAC0205855369 WAC0205957723 WAC0206050079
WAC0206157215 WAC0206255779 WAC0206357608 WAC0206460219 WAC0206554867
WAC0206656087 WAC0206756298 WAC0206855777 WAC0206957371 WAC0207054342
WAC0207153847 WAC0207253465 WAC0207353722 WAC0207454017 WAC0207551410
WAC0207657461 WAC0207755776 WAC0207855278 WAC0207951907 WAC0208054710
WAC0208155662 WAC0208257297 WAC0208354982 WAC0208456704 WAC0208552009
WAC0208655869 WAC0208756370 WAC0208856661 WAC0208956004 WAC0209055670
WAC0209152462 WAC0209254585 WAC0209357109 WAC0209458402 WAC0209556779
WAC0209650968 WAC0209755109 WAC0209855724 WAC0209955487 WAC0210056989
WAC0210157535 WAC0210251348 WAC0210356434 WAC0210454000 WAC0210555046
WAC0210654474 WAC0210754654 WAC0210850086 WAC0210954696 WAC0211053960
WAC0211155458 WAC0211254586 WAC0211355565 WAC0211454245 WAC0211555589
WAC0211655748 WAC0211755865 WAC0211850946 WAC0211955892 WAC0212054578
WAC0212153834 WAC0212253842 WAC0212353842 WAC0212452256 WAC0212553279
WAC0212653998 WAC0212754548 WAC0212854251 WAC0212954788 WAC0213054759
WAC0213150992 WAC0213256423 WAC0213355370 WAC0213455053 WAC0213553406
WAC0213653427 WAC0213750802 WAC0213852894 WAC0213953685 WAC0214053767
WAC0214153914 WAC0214253994 WAC0214350648 WAC0214454554 WAC0214554406
WAC0214653431 WAC0214753855 WAC0214853022 WAC0214954324 WAC0215054440
WAC0215154472 WAC0215253077 WAC0215353110 WAC0215450228 WAC0215553244
WAC0215653203 WAC0215754397 WAC0215853371 WAC0215953336 WAC0216050669
WAC0216153871 WAC0216253930 WAC0216354049 WAC0216453808 WAC0216553139
WAC0216651051 WAC0216755714 WAC0216855308 WAC0216954674 WAC0217054864
WAC0217154361 WAC0217254284 WAC0217354097 WAC0217453423 WAC0217554623
WAC0217652748 WAC0217750002 WAC0217853368 WAC0217954127 WAC0218053635
WAC0218153124 WAC0218253148 WAC0218353618 WAC0218453610 WAC0218553518
WAC0218653647 WAC0218754168 WAC0218850066 WAC0218954653 WAC0219055781
WAC0219154460 WAC0219253436 WAC0219353686 WAC0219453932 WAC0219554030
WAC0219654516 WAC0219753950 WAC0219854286 WAC0219954338 WAC0220054049
WAC0220155994 WAC0220255579 WAC0220350800 WAC0220454556 WAC0220554860
WAC0220654872 WAC0220754437 WAC0220854207 WAC0220950194 WAC0221054769
WAC0221155450 WAC0221254181 WAC0221354870 WAC0221455377 WAC0221550091
WAC0221655649 WAC0221754924 WAC0221853807 WAC0221954843 WAC0222055028
WAC0222150508 WAC0222254185 WAC0222354205 WAC0222453845 WAC0222553678
WAC0222654150 WAC0222754896 WAC0222854514 WAC0222956342 WAC0223055227
WAC0223151339 WAC0223256009 WAC0223355901 WAC0223455704 WAC0223555641
WAC0223655868 WAC0223751689 WAC0223855982 WAC0223955309 WAC0224055791
WAC0224156007 WAC0224254189 WAC0224350485 WAC0224455494 WAC0224555504
WAC0224654849 WAC0224755242 WAC0224855279 WAC0224950905 WAC0225055184
WAC0225155202 WAC0225254533 WAC0225355735 WAC0225454979 WAC0225554842
WAC0225655459 WAC0225755035 WAC0225854607 WAC0225954695 WAC0226055193
WAC0226155104 WAC0226255784 WAC0226355193 WAC0226455567 WAC0226555144
WAC0226655462 WAC0226751316 WAC0226855304 WAC0226955447 WAC0227054849
WAC0227155191 WAC0227255230 WAC0227356034 WAC0227454791 WAC0227555364
WAC0227655148 WAC0227754689 WAC0227855118 WAC0227955627 WAC0228056439
WAC0228153943 WAC0228255653 WAC0228355270 WAC0228455420 WAC0228555260
WAC0228654802 WAC0228753900 WAC0228853679 WAC0228954705
The average is 4,514 ( = 1,304,599 / 289 ) per day,
but WAC-02-053 and WAC-02-064 have more than 10,000 cases.

Of course, I have not scanned all cases, it's impossible.

My algorism and inquiries might be not perfect,
so if you find or know the larger case number,
please let me know.
Thanks in advance,
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