project kashmir code not working


Registered Users (C)
Hey Kashmir
I am getting error when executing java -jar WACxxxx.... ttt

I observed that there is a change in the URL check of the case statuses. Is there a way you can post a new code so tha we can download.

There are 2 address like ''

Just remove the '/graphics' from these address

Also change '/jsps/caseRes.jsp' to '/' in the address.

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I am not able to find the java source coude in any of the zip file, if i am not missing your instructions.

I really appreciate if you could upload new java file.

Thanks much.
Hey Kashmir
Did you get a chance to post the new java code??

We really appreciate if you could do that.

I have no time for that right now.
I believe there are a couple of people who can do that.
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Originally posted by kashmir
I have no time for that right now.
I believe there are a couple of people who can do that.


I can fix the Java code and post it -- is there a pointer to the old code /zip file ?

Thanks !
Originally posted by desi-bartender
I will be making changes to Project Anaconda this weekend.
I can fix the old kashmir script and post it at the same time.

Thanks -- is there a link to get the old code now ?
Originally posted by kashmir
I have no time for that right now.
I believe there are a couple of people who can do that.

Don't you get it Kashmir is the board martyr he doesn't actually want you to have this code. He can make 30 posts a day but not this one.

Why - this board is about helping people for free, but Kashmir is on a power trip he has info we would all like to see.

But he can withhold it and play silly games, it makes me laugh so much now he even sells the info. I'm not sure the INS would be too happy to know you are demanding money for info on other people's cases. You seem such a nice guy when I met you at the townhall

It gets funnier he posts messages saying if you had seen this data you would be upset.

Don't hold you breath - as Kashmir likes running this code it gives him control over us.


You finally take the time to crawl from under your rock (going by your one post), and the only thing you have to say, is make a personal attack on someone who has done so much for the community so far?

How pitiful is it that you are so dependent on your fix for information, but have no consideration for the amount of effort that is required from Kashmir to gather it, collate it and finally post it.

You make it sound like a crime to do something about the backlog. These are very strong words indeed from someone who claims to have attended a town hall meeting and actually met Kashmir. If you had actually done what you claimed, you would have understood Kashmir's frame of mind and his character. Inspite of that, if you still persist in your vile calumny you will probably lose your membership for under the rock club and pushed even lower down the totem pole.

If you feel so strongly about the report then why not use some of your grey cells and develop your own scanning software? Why not put in the effort to collate the data and post in unselfishly on this forum. Why not take the time to help other people with their questions.
I agree -- indie's post was in bad taste.

Don't bash Sr. Members -- they are Senior for a reason :)
If you've only seen the interest of any thread that Kashmir starts, you'll realize how much people appreciate Kashmir !

Thanks :)