Project anaconda scanners and off load Kashmir with scanning data

pinnacle_man said:
Please search for the Desi Bartenders posting
" Project anaconda scanner and sources." You will have to email him to get the scanner. I suggest you install configure
to use proxies and run an experimental scan.

His setup provides you with a sample scan input file. Once you are done, please ask Kashmir for the real scan input files.

I added the link to Desi_Bartenders post about "last version of project anakonda and how to access it" to CSC important threads.

click link below.

Please add any further info if you think is needed regarding Project Kashmir.
List of Scan Contributors

02/2002 ruxrux
05/2002 rk4gc
06/2002 cal_aos_waiting
07/2002 pinnacle_man(*)
08/2002 pinnacle_man(*)
09/2002 pinnacle_man(*)
10/2002 pinnacle_man(*), parolee

(*) already scanned at least once
I started the scanner ob 02/02 and it takes a long time because all the proxies are used up (TooManyInquiriesException), so I added a hundred or so more proxies and restarted. I hope it'll be done today. I plan on updating the proxy list with even more proxies and I'll ask desi-bartender if he could add them to anaconda 1.1
Hi, Mr Vegas,
Please read the following message again.

I can send the data only to those whom I can trust.
Also, you will have to scan not only for youself but also for the community.

I have provided the data to several people, but some of them have never replied to me.
The data includes the list of case numbers and their status information, so I definitely need to confirm your commitment to this community.
kashmir said:
If you can participate in this initiative, please post the following information here at this thread.
1) which month of FY2002 you can scan

I will send you the list of case numbers for that month by e-mail.
For the security reason, I have to have already knonw your e-mail address.

In case I don't know your e-mail address but you have already participate in some activities such as Project Ocean, Project Cosmos, donation to ImmigrationPortal.ORG, etc.
2) please send me e-mail with above information

If you are new to this forum and if you really want to join this initiative,
3) Participate in all active campaigns unless you have a special reason
4) Send me e-mail

You must understand:
a) you have to send all scanned raw data to timely
b) I cannot provide the detail technical support (you may be able to ask to desi-bartender)
c) I need to trust you in order to send the list of case numbers. I don't do that if you have not participate in any activities for this community.

Kashmir :

I am scanning Sep 02 right now. about 40 % completed.
I will send the results of the july 02 data along with Sep 02
data tomorrow.

I am yet to scan the ~150 cases left in aug 02 and july 02.

kashmir said:
Hi, Mr Vegas,
Please read the following message again.

I can send the data only to those whom I can trust.
Also, you will have to scan not only for youself but also for the community.

I have provided the data to several people, but some of them have never replied to me.
The data includes the list of case numbers and their status information, so I definitely need to confirm your commitment to this community.
Sure I'll scan for the whole community. I've sent you an email you can send the data back at my email address.

I haven't received anything yet...if you get this tonight please send as I was hoping to let my computer run the scanner overnight
Mr Vegas said:
Sure I'll scan for the whole community. I've sent you an email you can send the data back at my email address.
I haven't received anything yet...if you get this tonight please send as I was hoping to let my computer run the scanner overnight
Can you read the quoted message of my previous post again ?
I'd like to trust you but I cannot until I see your participation in some campaigns or your contribution to the community because many people have tried to get only the data from me.

I am trying to participate in the community by running scans and doing my part to help out, and to take the load off of you.

As for the campaigns, I'm not interested in the politics, I'm just waiting for my green card and certainly don't want to risk my name being blacklisted somehow or if they get vindictive with me somehow as some people suggest could be possible.

As I said, I hear people on the board asking for people to help... I am raising my hand and saying ok I'm here to help. Send me the data and I'll start scanning.
And I can't answer for what other people have done or not done, but I think you can see I'm serious in the fact that I've already loaded the scanning software and tested it to make sure it works.
ruxrux said:
I started the scanner ob 02/02 and it takes a long time because all the proxies are used up (TooManyInquiriesException), so I added a hundred or so more proxies and restarted. I hope it'll be done today. I plan on updating the proxy list with even more proxies and I'll ask desi-bartender if he could add them to anaconda 1.1
Yeah - am getting hit by the proxies as well ....

Its damn painful to create a fresh list of working proxies ...

plus am not sure if the USCIS limit is actually 200 or 250 -- I think its more like around 150 - but hey that's just me :)
Mr Vegas said:

I am trying to participate in the community by running scans and doing my part to help out, and to take the load off of you.

As for the campaigns, I'm not interested in the politics, I'm just waiting for my green card and certainly don't want to risk my name being blacklisted somehow or if they get vindictive with me somehow as some people suggest could be possible.

As I said, I hear people on the board asking for people to help... I am raising my hand and saying ok I'm here to help. Send me the data and I'll start scanning.
I don't need any help for Project Kashmir right now.
The load is not an issue to me at all.

If you just want to scan the particular date or month, you can do that by yourself without my support.
Go ahead. please.
My scan is never complete, need to add more proxies. Seems all of us are trying to use same proxy set :D.
If you are running Project Anaconda then please read the part about
Proxies in the Readme. And somebody said it was just too painful to
create fresh list of proxies.....Right? I think by default I provided
about couple of 1000 proxies with my program. I hope you people
understand that writing this program was not really easy. It took
me days to understand the whole thing and get the thing to a shape
that everybody could use.

Do you realize how easy it is to install and get Anaconda running? Plus
you get this wonderful demo. Right? :) . Now how many free software
you have used work so nicely out of the box?

I am not trying to blow my own trumpet. All I am saying is that creating
proxies is not a big deal. If someone can look at my source code then
they will find a class in there which when run will pull about 2-3 thousand
proxies from few free proxy sites.

I did not provide direct access to the class through the shell script.
maybe that is one last thing I need to add. A script that pulls proxies
from few free sites anc creates a humongous list of free proxies.

Then someone can churn this list through Project Anaconda. And if you
carefully at your log directory then you will find a beautiful proxy log
which logs the proxies that have worked flawlessly. One can then keep
these precious proxies to the side for later reports.

There are all kinds of thing you can do with proxies. You can rate them,
you can add them. Everything is so configurable. I guess that is not
enough. Right?

I can improve the proxy module a little more and add the script to bring
down proxies. But my GC is approved and I have little incentive to do
that. Maybe somebody need to buy me a good lunch some place good.
I like Italian and I live in the bay area. Maybe that will be incentive
enough to get Project Anaconda 1.2 :D

I think I really think Pinnacle man is really suitable to do the job of scanning
cases. I am much inclined to hand over the 2002 wac number list to him.
What do you think Kashmir? He is the one who has shown such great
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desi-bartender said:
I think I really think Pinnacle man is really suitable to do the job of scanning
cases. I am much inclined to hand over the 2002 wac number list to him.
What do you think Kashmir? He is the one who has shown such great
I agree with you if pinnacle_man accepts.
I will be very glad

Kashmir and Desi Bartender,
I am pleased to off load you people. I will be glad to expand on scanning the entire series. (With the exception of a couple of months - if somebody is already scanning).

Do you still want the raw data sent to you and you generate the report or would like me to take that acitivity?

If you want me to take that activity please guide how to generate such reports.

Thanks for all your efforts for this long. ( I mean to say for both you guys)

kashmir said:
I agree with you if pinnacle_man

I'm scanning 02/02, but I mostly have to do it in 2 runs, so I don't have proper summary file, just the final list. Please be sure you know how to make a summary out of the full list.