Project anaconda scanners and off load Kashmir with scanning data


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Man Power needed : Project anaconda scanners and off load Kashmir with scanning data

Hi All,
Kashmi, Desi bartender, long_wait and many others have been contributing to the scan and we all go to benefit from looking at the data.

Some of them contribute extensively even after their approval. It is high time, we people start to off load them with such work.

I have recently used Project anaconda scanner and it was fairly easy to use. However, I still depend on the key contributors to deliver me the input files they have been using, partitioning and distributing and collecting the scaned data.

Let us form a scan team and set aside input files for a given month. With anaconda scanner, we just need one person to scan one entire month of data.

This way every one including us can benefit from the data collected. Finally, one person will collect all these data create the summary html and csv file what Kashmir has been doing.

Besides, Kashmir could just breif us the procedure of how he had been handling the collected data and also provide the global set of scan input files. ( I am yet to ask Kashmir about this and will ask his help in co-ordination methods etc depending upon the response. i.e. Number of people interested in contributing and signing up)

Please take a moment to think about it and if you are interested please sign up here.

Kashmir, Thanks for the great service you had provided. But it time, people like us share the load.
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I've been thinking about participating in this activity for a long time and I think its high time to do it. Count me in. Kashmir et all, please guide us in taking the burden of out of you guys.
I have downloaded the anaconda scanner and I just need the input file. Kashmir, desi-bartender (who's probably not reading this) - I can also take the whole month and run it through Anaconda.
If you can participate in this initiative, please post the following information here at this thread.
1) which month of FY2002 you can scan

I will send you the list of case numbers for that month by e-mail.
For the security reason, I have to have already knonw your e-mail address.

In case I don't know your e-mail address but you have already participate in some activities such as Project Ocean, Project Cosmos, donation to ImmigrationPortal.ORG, etc.
2) please send me e-mail with above information

If you are new to this forum and if you really want to join this initiative,
3) Make a donation to ImmigrationPortal.ORG
4) Send me e-mail

You must understand:
a) you have to send scanned raw data to timely
b) I cannot provide the detail technical support (you may be able to ask to desi-bartender)
c) I need to trust you in order to send the list of case numbers. I don't do that if you have not participate in any activities for this community.

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I am assigned WAC03_oct_2002

I am using anaconda scanner. I split the file (4750) as two files and ran the scanner(s) to run in parallel.

I started the scanners about 6 hours ago. It is almost done.
The number of approvals has increased. Results handed to Kashmir

I completed the scan for Oct 2002. The number of approvals did increase by 20% in 5 days.

kashmir said:
If you can participate in this initiative, please post the following information here at this thread.
1) which month of FY2002 you can scan

I will send you the list of case numbers for that month by e-mail.
For the security reason, I have to have already knonw your e-mail address.

In case I don't know your e-mail address but you have already participate in some activities such as Project Ocean, Project Cosmos, donation to ImmigrationPortal.ORG, etc.
2) please send me e-mail with above information

If you are new to this forum and if you really want to join this initiative,
3) Make a donation to ImmigrationPortal.ORG
4) Send me e-mail

You must understand:
a) you have to send scanned raw data to timely
b) I cannot provide the detail technical support (you may be able to ask to desi-bartender)
c) I need to trust you in order to send the list of case numbers. I don't do that if you have not participate in any activities for this community.

Which month are you scanning ?

rk4gc said:
I've been thinking about participating in this activity for a long time and I think its high time to do it. Count me in. Kashmir et all, please guide us in taking the burden of out of you guys.
Is there a paticular month you are scanning ? If so which one?

ruxrux said:
I have downloaded the anaconda scanner and I just need the input file. Kashmir, desi-bartender (who's probably not reading this) - I can also take the whole month and run it through Anaconda.
Well any month is fine for me. Though mine is Aug 2003. I think one should manage the allocation, so that no two persons working on the same month.
Kashmir - I can scan Feb 2002. Please send me the numbers and tell me what do I do with the output.
Kashmir: Please send me Aug and Sep 2002 as well

Hi Kashmir,
Please send me the data files for Aug and Sep 2002 as well.
You already sent me Oct 2002.

The scanning part was easy.

Thanks Desi Bartender.

I have no clue about java or most software programs. But I just read your README and I configured two parallel runs.

I split the files for a given month into 2 and ran your through the scan. It took me about 6 hours to scan 4700 cases.

Today, I going to scan 2 months worth of data with 3 parallel scanners.

It is really easy.
Good job pinnacle_man. I hope there are others like you. That makes
it writing Project Anaconda worthwile.

Goodluck on your case. May you get GC soon.
July 2003

If somebody has the input files for July I can scan. I have desi-bartenders scanner program working. So, can kashmir/desi-bartender please email me the input files?

RD:July 1 2003
ND:July 1 2003
EAD: Exp 11/04
No 1st FP, nothing....
Thank You.

The effort for scanning is hardly anything. It is your effort to write these programs that needs appreciation.

Thank You for your wishes. Presently, Kashmir as provided July, Aug, Sep and Oct 2002 to me.

I had scanned Oct 2002 data 2 days back. Yesterday evening I had started July, Aug and Sep in parallel.

July and Aug completed in about 6 hours. Sep is almost done. I will be providing the scanned data to Kashmir sometime today.


desi-bartender said:
Good job pinnacle_man. I hope there are others like you. That makes
it writing Project Anaconda worthwile.

Goodluck on your case. May you get GC soon.

If noone is doing it yet, i can scan June 2002. I cannot do programming but if its a matter of install, configure and run, I can definitely give it a shot. Whats the next step then?

Hi Cal_aos_waiting and other new scanner volunteers

Please search for the Desi Bartenders posting
" Project anaconda scanner and sources." You will have to email him to get the scanner. I suggest you install configure
to use proxies and run an experimental scan.

His setup provides you with a sample scan input file. Once you are done, please ask Kashmir for the real scan input files.
cal_aos_waiting said:

If noone is doing it yet, i can scan June 2002. I cannot do programming but if its a matter of install, configure and run, I can definitely give it a shot. Whats the next step then?

If you can participate in this initiative, please post the following information here at this thread.
1) which month of FY2002 you can scan

I will send you the list of case numbers for that month by e-mail.
For the security reason, I have to have already knonw your e-mail address.

In case I don't know your e-mail address but you have already participate in some activities such as Project Ocean, Project Cosmos, donation to ImmigrationPortal.ORG, etc.
2) please send me e-mail with above information

If you are new to this forum and if you really want to join this initiative,
3) Participate in all active campaigns unless you have a special reason
4) Send me e-mail

You must understand:
a) you have to send all scanned raw data to timely
b) I cannot provide the detail technical support (you may be able to ask to desi-bartender)
c) I need to trust you in order to send the list of case numbers. I don't do that if you have not participate in any activities for this community.
