Program for regular 485ers?

Sent email to Don - I just hope he doesn't have a spam filter to auto delete all our emails - I will be really disappointed :(

Does anybody know why NIW has been singled out in this pilot project? Are NIWers less EB? Thanks!
U guys think Don Neufeld can use a computer? I highly doubt if these big wigs can use a computer. For all we know he might be
afraid of using the keyboard thinking that he might get an
electric shock or something.
it doesn't matter to me

whether don uses computer. I just can't sit on my big fat ass doing nothing. :mad:

If you think Email doesn't work, you can start a new campaign, like fax.
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Project Ocean E-MAIL Campaign #11c - CSC Director Don Neufeld

Project Ocean E-MAIL Campaign #11c
to CSC Director Don Neufeld

Adjudicate LONG-PENDING Cases Before Pilot Program for FAIRNESS
Target Number of Participants = 50

  1. kashmir
  2. sri3440
  3. Totos
  4. mango_pickle
  5. raojii2003
  6. vjshanker
  7. wac-02-068
  8. wac098
  9. KKJ
  10. brokenarrow
  11. codex
  12. toonarmy
  13. GCDreamz
  14. timesa
  15. ben2000
  16. waiting_still02
Also, don't forget participate in Project Ocean E-MAIL Campaign #8b : Nominate Don Neufeld for Ombudsman's Annual Report to Congress so that I can post this weekend report of Project Kashmir.
Re: it doesn't matter to me

Originally posted by ben2000
5th April 2004 10:21 PM

Join the compain

If you are not happy with this, please join Project Ocean E-MAIL Campaign #11c to CSC Director Don Neufeld Adjudicate LONG-PENDING Cases before Pilot Program for FAIRNESS.
One year ago, my spouse got his approval from VSC. I filed my case one month later than him. One year later, I am still waiting for my dead case to be touched.
Now they are going to start this pilot program, this is really driving me crazy.
Let's speak out, let them hear our voice.
Hi, ben2000,
I'm very pleased that you started participating in our activities very actively and that you are encouraging others.
Originally posted by ben2000
whether don uses computer. I just can't sit on my big fat ass doing nothing. :mad:
If you think Email doesn't work, you can start a new campaign, like fax.
By the way, I think he was just joking,
but many chickens are finding an excuse not to join our campaigns.
However, some of them may become active participants someday.
Certified Mail and Fax

This morning, I sent a USPS Certified Mail to Don Neufeld and faxed to both offices of my representative.
I will call my representative's office to follow up early next week.
Project Ocean E-MAIL Campaign #11c - CSC Director Don Neufeld

Project Ocean E-MAIL/FAX Campaign
#11c to CSC Director Don Neufeld
and/or Congressperson

Adjudicate LONG-PENDING Cases before Pilot Program for FAIRNESS
Target Number of Participants = 50
The project Kashmir weekend report of 4/11/2004 will not be posted unless this target number meets.

  1. kashmir
  2. sri3440
  3. Totos
  4. mango_pickle
  5. raojii2003
  6. vjshanker
  7. wac-02-068
  8. wac098
  9. KKJ
  10. brokenarrow
  11. codex
  12. toonarmy
  13. GCDreamz
  14. timesa
  15. ben2000
  16. waiting_still02
  17. inagony0302
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Re: Re: Program for regular 485ers?

Originally posted by kashmir
TO: those who has posted at the following threads;
Let's join us !!
I encourage ALL I-485 APPLICANTS HAVING FILED BEFORE 7/31/2002 to join the campaign.
The target number 50 might be too small.

Again, the CSC has already started adjudicating hundreds of I-485 non-NIW EB-2 cases filed AFTER 7/31/2002.
It would delay adjudication of OLD cases at least by one month.
Letters to Pelosi and Boxer sent


I am continuing my letter writing to congresspeople campaign. Having gotten Senator Feinstein to write to Don Neufeld my attention is focused on Congresswoman Pelosi and Senator Boxer. My third letter to each of them emphasised the unfairness of processing out of order (as well as reminding them about the shredding, because that was really disgraceful).

Dear Honorable XXX

I am writing to you to draw continued attention to the processing delays at the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS and formerly BCIS/INS). I wrote to you on 11/25/2003 and 1/27/2004 and since then the California Service Center (CSC) has made less than a month of progress according to the CSC’s processing time reports. This appalling progress comes despite the commitment from the head of the CSC, Don Neufeld, to reduce backlogs from over two years to less than 12 months by the end of this fiscal year. It also contradicts commitments made by Congress and President George W. Bush to reduce immigration processing times to 6 months.

I have waited 27 months to have my I485 adjudicated by the CSC. I am very frustrated at the long waiting period and the lack of accountability. Most recently, I have become angered by the injustice in the processing queue. The CSC processing time reports clearly state that the CSC is currently processing I485 cases with a filing date of about 1/9/2002. However, I was shocked to learn that the CSC has processed and approved cases which they received much later. Immigration Watch (, a group that monitors the USCIS online case status reports, shows that the CSC approved I485 applications that it received between October 2002 and June 2003 in March 2004. The CSC received all of these applications many months after mine.

While I do not begrudge these people being free of the lengthy wait, I am disappointed that it comes at the expense of those who have waited over two years to be processed. Consequently, I request your assistance in determining why cases such as mine that were filed in the early part of 2002 are being set aside in favor of later ones. I am particularly concerned that the reason that these earlier cases are being ignored might be due to the fact that cases filed at the CSC in the early part of 2002 were subject to shredding by INS workers at the center. Maybe the reason why cases, including my own, are not being processed is because they were shredded. But, that surely does not mean applicants who filed cases in 2002 should be ignored; rather I think it means that we are especially deserving of an apology from the CSC, and timely processing.

In conclusion, I respectfully request that you write to Don Neufeld, head of the CSC, and ask him when cases in early 2002 will be processed and why cases after that time are being processed at the expense of earlier ones. I would also respectfully ask that Don Neufeld explain his plans to make good on his commitment to reduce the backlog to 6 months before September 2004.

Yours sincerely,

WAC 02 124 5xxxx
Re: Letters to Pelosi and Boxer sent

Originally posted by becky
I am continuing my letter writing to congresspeople campaign. Having gotten Senator Feinstein to write to Don Neufeld my attention is focused on Congresswoman Pelosi and Senator Boxer. My third letter to each of them emphasised the unfairness of processing out of order (as well as reminding them about the shredding, because that was really disgraceful).
Hi, becky,
Thanks for your introduction of writing letters to Congresspeople.

This E-Mail Campaign to CSC Director Don Neufeld is just the first step.
All I-485 applicants, especially long-waiting ones filed before 7/31/2002, should get angry and speak out against such an arrogance of the CSC.
Otherwise, Don Neufeld and the CSC would continue considering us Chickens.
Honestly speaking, I don't think E-MAIL to USCIS including CSC or Don Neufeld is effective enough.
However, it is one of easist ways to voice up.

Also, I recommend to write to Congresspeople like becky, solarise, me, and some others.
If you don't want to send e-amil to Don Neufeld, write to Congressperson and declare here.
Toward Project Kashmir report of 4/11/2002, these activities will be counted.
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