Prof Matloff


New Member
But Professor Matloff stays his ground.

"The indentured-servitude nature of the H-1Bs is extremely attractive to employers. Not only might they accrue large savings in salary, but the H-1B also cannot leave their projects in the lurch by jumping to a competitor. It is no wonder that the industry did not support legislation in 1998 that would have greatly reduced the time it takes for an H-1B to get a green card. Even immigration attorneys have publicly pitched this 'loyalty' of the H-1B workers," he said.
Truer words were never said.

Hopefully DOJ & DOL will actually do the opposite and improve the timeline of AOS.
Originally posted by GCDreamz
Truer words were never said.

Hopefully DOJ & DOL will actually do the opposite and improve the timeline of AOS.

Eventually they will.

You know, theoretically, if you put a million monkeys behind computer keyboards they can write "War and Peace" (Lev Tolstoy). However some theoreticians have lost their hopes with the development of Internet, I prefer to address this as an experiment in progress. :)

So, eventually, there will be laws more lenient and just to the non-immigrants than they are now. The United States have banned slavery before, so they will do it again in the future.
I seriously doubt we will see that change in our lifetimes. Sorry for being pessimistic, but look at the facts, America is super double-sided dissembler about freedom/human rights/fainess/peace/what not .. and under it's own very nose it actually supports all this. Everyday I drive my car, I almost feel the guilt of burning iraqi blood in my engine. But thats the way of life, Britain conquered the world only by shedding a lot of blood. We are on the receiving side in this case, like we brown people have always been for the past 300 years .. you just need to play the game and pray for a better day.

Slavery was abolished in 1800's .. things were different then .. welcome to the real world. H1b people are here to work, what keeps them here is a promise that they will get GCs, some of them actually will, but many won't. Just face it.
Slavery was abolished in the 1800's but true de-segregation happened only after 1965. (SillyMan you remember the article we read on Saturday?) That too after a whole lot of people protested and boycotted events.
Thats right 140. It was more like 1978 actually, but y'know, I don't think we will even see a start in the right direction anytime soon.
hey silly man - keep the brown man thing out of it - I am lily white and also waiting for my gc - working my fingers to the bone and not exactly enjoying the ride - race has nothing to do with the incompetence of the INS. On the other side of the coin - once we have our gc - we will appreciate the fact that America is not a free for all - what irritates me the most is that illegal immigrants in this country seem to have more rights and get better treatment than us hard working professionals trying to eek out an honest living.
linda, you are an exception, and we are the rule. If they (rule makers) got clear enough and specifically made a law against "brown man", it would never fly. So they make something that allows a blanket approach, and if the baby (you) gets thrown out with the bathwater (us), Oh well !!

I am PISSED OFF at this injustice. I tell ya .. "PISSED OFF" and "FLAMING MAD". If you are trying to tell me that doling out the same treatment to one white person justifies treating 1000 other non white people in a bad way justifies it .. I don't buy it.
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Last heard even Linus Torvalds was waiting. Wonder if he still
is waiting . if one goes thru all this pain then why does
everyone vanish as soon as they get their Green card
maybe the pain is temporary

That the INS is inflicting pain by Violating Rules and processes
so inhumanly is evident .I wonder how come
no one sued after getting the green card to get some
money for the pain inflicted . that will make
the INS learn faster . and how come no lawyer
wants to takeup such cases .
pokala, we had a discussion about this a few days back. INS can pretty much do what they please, unfettered power, leads to abuse, and that is what we see here.

But God will balance everything out.
Re: Where is HE!

Tat Tvam Asi - Advata
Visvam Vishnu Vashatkara -- Vishnu Sahasrananam

You are Him. IIO is Him. HE is everywhere.

The Black/White/Brown is Him.
He is having real Internal Turmoil in HIS WORLD.

In any case, I am from TSC area. Problem is much worse there.
Little frustrating to see the jumps in INS approval process. Ignoring a whole block of cases will cause anyone to pick up the damn Talwar!


Don't quite agree with SillyMan's assertion that INS is out to get the brown man but they are definitely against legalized immigration, while they hold wholesale amnesty programs for the illegally employed. Which is something that hurts the most because of our contribution to the economy. But thanks to the huge vote bank they represent they get heard in the white house! Look out for more amnesties when re-election time comes around!


Linus got his green card during the boom days! But his was one the cases that prompted the big hue and cry to expedite the processing we saw in 2001!


Could you delete your post from the important threads thread?

Trying to keep that thread short with only relevant posts there. Requesting everyone to delete posts that don't belong there. Thanks!
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