Processing timeline in Montreal


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Anybody has processing timelines in Montreal or any oter part from Quebec province? please share.

Thanks :)
Hello Carmen123,
Here is my timeline in Montreal:

We received your application for grant of Canadian citizenship (adult) on June 27, 2005.

We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application, and a study book called A Look at Canada on June 27, 2005.

We started processing your application on September 21, 2005.

Your file was transferred on October 18, 2005 to the Montréal CIC office for the citizenship testing and taking of the citizenship oath. The Montréal CIC office will contact you to write the Citizenship test.

We sent you a notice on January 24, 2006 to appear and write the Citizenship test on February 07, 2006 at 9:15am. If this address is not correct, please contact us. Thank you.

Now I’m waiting for the oath letter; when I get it, I’ll post the date here.

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Hi Fadi,

Don't you get your oath the same day in Montreal? By the way, what was the interview like? What kind ou questions did they ask?

Hi Roma,
Yes, usually you get the oath directly after the test; however, in my case the officer who interviewed me asked me to fill up a questioner and send it back to Montréal office with all supporting documents, which I did the next day. Last week I called CIC, the agent told me that I’ll have to see a judge. When I asked her how long is it going to take for them to schedule me an appointment with a judge. She said in the next 24 months!!!!!
About the interview, the officer checked every page in my passports and asked me about every Visa on them. She asked questions like, what is your status in this country and who do you know there? Moreover, she asked me about what I did since I came to Canada?!
Hope this helps
Hi Fadi,

Thanks for your reply. Oh my God, it does not sound like your interview went well! Did you have many travel stamps in your passport and that is why they were suspicious, or were they like this with everyone? Did they check the stamps only during the 4 year period prior to application or stamps before that and after application? What kind of supporting documents did you have to send?
Thanks again.
Anybody else migh want to share timeline Montreal?

Hey people, anybody else migh want to share the timeline in Montreal?

Thanks :)

Timeline Montreal

Hey people, anybody else migh want to share the timeline in Montreal?


Carmen :rolleyes:
My test experience?

I had lost my initial passport during my international travel. In this regard, i got a police report. So while checking my documents at the time of test, when the officer asked for the first passport, i showed her the report. she made a copy and kept that for the record. (I have all other documents like PR card, IM 1000 etc., except the first passport on which i landed in Canada for the first time).

Note that my test was held on March 07, 2006. Now, i am confused, whether, i will receive the oath notice, or the judge will call me for the interview to verify things. Please advise me.


What is the time-frame for citizenship process in Montreal? (June 19, 2006)

Hello Friends,

Please let me know if anyone knows the approximate time-frame of citizenship process in Montreal.

Sent application on November 5, 2006
File transferred to Montreal office on March 6, 2006.

I am waiting for further course of action. I request you to share your views.


Timeline Montreal

I've sent my application on april 21st I know they received it on 26th april. This monday I checked the site and it says 'received' but i have not gotten any letter in the mail.

Any feedback on this?
Thanks :)
Hi Carmen,

I think it is OK. You just keep checking on web. Montreal office generally gets file approximately four months after the application (this is general obervation). So for you, I think, May:June:july:August, so somewhere in August Montreal office should get the file. Once Montreal office gets the file then it will take 4 more months for the test (that is what agent told me).

Please share any extra info you have about your friends who are applied from Montreal.


Not yet, when I called this afternoon, agent told me that I should get a letter by 16th of July, and if I do not get one, then I need to call them so that they will enquire about my file to Montreal office.

Montreal Office Phone Number

Does any one has number for Montréal CIC office that they have been calling. Would appreciate that.

Timeline Montreal

An update on my case:

We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 25, 2006.

We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called A Look at Canada on April 25, 2006.

We started processing your application on August 16, 2006.

Please people in the same boat share your timelines

Thanks :)
We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on April 25, 2006.

We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called A Look at Canada on April 25, 2006.

We started processing your application on August 16, 2006.

Your file was transferred to the Montréal CIC office on August 30, 2006. The Montréal CIC office will contact you if additional information is required. The Montréal CIC office will contact you regarding your citizenship test once all the necessary checks on your file are complete.

We sent you a notice on April 2, 2007 to [my address], Montreal, Quebec, Canada, [my zip code] to appear and write the citizenship test on April 19, 2007 at 8:15 AM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us.

You became a Canadian citizen on April 19, 2007.