Processing suspended


Registered Users (C)

MY attorney says INS will most likely resume processing of adjustment cases only in Nov-Dec 2002 after all procedures are in place. He said most people who haven\'t received their Approvals might have to apply for second EAD and may even have to do second FP. Apparanltly similar thing happenned a few years back when INS did not process any approvals for 10 months.

In the mean time the Visa numbers may become an issue as the unused visa numbers will not be carried forward after Oct 2002.
Ohh Yeah

Could you please let us all know what kind of method that he/she uses for fortune telling (like Crystal Ball).

If you want to proove above statements are true, provide some links to authenticate this info along with your attorney name and Tel No so that we can check up with him/her or SHUT THE $%## UP.

Who told you that visa number will not be carried forward after Oct 2002? You are definetly a Half Knowledge rookie.
No Title

Well, we don\'t have to be that nasty even it is hoax. I am though really curious who and how could have come up with that November estimate. I think, even if it is somewhat true, given that all changes started really unexpected ( just 10 days ago things at INS were "business as usual" ), I don\'t think even INS would know that estimate.

Whether it is true or not, anyway, I appreciate any information posted here, similar information is also posted on California thread, so unless these two guys conspired to start a panic, it is possibly true. Really, it is not the delay that I hate, it is that we don\'t know what\'s going on. I\'d really prefer to know about that delay till November-December from INS, rather than being fed by rumours. If it is true - fine - it is not the end of the world, I\'ll put all my after-GC plans on hold and would move on with something else.
Backlog ..

I don\'t think INS would be interested in increasing their backlog at this time especially after they have been instructed to stay current as much as possible.
According to your attorney...

The INS folks are gonna get paid for doing nothing for the next several months? I bet Congress would love to see something like that happen so that the people can screw them upside down for wasting tax money like that. Get real, dude!! I really wonder why everybody is coming up with all sorts of absurd theories. Is it a strange coincidence that ever since ImmigrationPortal had problems with its patrons posting messages, the approval rate has slowed down? Me thinks lotsa folks are just too lazy to post approvals as it is. And the technical problem just added to it and that\'s why we are seeing much less approvals.
I don\'t think there will be a major delay

But a change in which the EAC-02 applns are proccessed are not ruled out. If they are going to delay the proc why are they sending out the FP notices. The FP results are valid only for 6 months. During the 97-98 backlog, INS has given a report about this, the FP results expiring and then INS had to again get the results from FBI before approval and this had cost involved for every application for INS.
( I found this pdf in one of the INS testimonies to the congress )
  I think they are just trying to streamline things before starting the EAC-02 applications, and due to that the existing applications are also delayed.

Lets hope so :)
delays in Processing ...

Several interesting points raised here but remember - INS has committed to getting all processing times down to a max. of 6 months by September/October of this year. They have made this statement publicly several times and, with all the negative publicity and increased scrutiny they are under these days, I doubt they are going to screw that up!
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They have made that commitment monthes ago. But now perhaps they made their priorities straight. If you would ask Congress what is more important, that commitment or issues related to national security, they will say - scrap that commitment. Believe it or not, that if INS introduces new procesdures, that will slow down processing signficantly, will prevent them from making that commitment, but at the same time would rule out blunders like that one with terrorist\'s visas, they will be given a green light for those procedures, and that\'s what they are probably doing.
This posting is BS.

I can\'t believe that anyone would believe it! It cannot be true! You would have been hearing from AILA had the supsension of processing were in place.

IT\'s a joke.
Attorney wants to make hay when sunshine


      I mean that attorney will have more business if they file for EAD replacement. My Attorney charges $648.00 for EAD so you can imagine that is why they are spreading this rumour.

      I think processing will start very soon.
Though I don\'t feel like you can trust IIO, in the 4/19 conversation the IIO said that they should

I have no idea how competent that person was and if anything have changed since last Friday, when I had this conversation.
called IIO today, she says that ALL 485\'s have been delayed for additional 60-90 days!

says they received orders from hq 2 use new security system in addition 2 existing checks. v r soooooooooooooooo fucked man!
No Title

This may be true. It indeed happenned once in 1996-97 when I-485s were very slow for about 9-10 months.