Processesing based on EAC-XXXXX-XXXXX


Registered Users (C)
As per my research & observation, I noticed that the approvals are happening based on EAC number sequence, specially first 5 numbers (EAC-02-xxx) ..Now mostly approvals are in the range of EAC-02-001-XXXXX to EAC-02-025-XXXXX ..Approvals based on RD or ND are not consistent, but on EAC..

My EAC# is EAC-02-040-XXXXX and RD:aug24 and I thought I can get approval anytime, but as per my above observation it will take more than a month to reach 40 th day (EAC-02-040-XXXXX).
This is my opinion and your comments are well come ..

As per your knowledge, when can I expect my approval.

One good thing is, I see lot approvals for the past 2 weeks and it's good news for all of us..Hope it continues

Thanks evert body for making this site very informative
I thinh u r wrong....

sorry...human is prone to error....check out the approval posted today: RD 09/31/01, EAC 02-031-xxx
Hi Waitingforapproval,

I disagree from one aspect.

What about those with EAC-01?

If u notice, Aug01-Aug13 RDs are those with EAC-01 and there are too many such cases to be discounted. Myself is RD:8/9 with EAC-01-282-xxxxx.

In my opinion, EAC# is assigned based upon your ND. The reason being, there could be two persons with same RD but depending upon when the ND was issued, there case could fall under EAC-01 or EAC-02 category. You can see to verify that.

Any disagreements?????

I think INS, concurrently is working on all August RD cases and it happens to be upto certain EAC-xx (that u rightly mentioned).
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ur concept is confusing..

How come ur RD is Aug24 and ND is EAC-02-040-XXXXX. My RD is Sept 24 nd EAC-02-039-XXXXX. Please clarify.
My number is 01- 278. My rd is 7/30, ND is 9/24 what is ur ND?

Originally posted by dma_va
Hi Waitingforapproval,

I disagree from one aspect.

What about those with EAC-01?

If u notice, Aug01-Aug13 RDs are those with EAC-01 and there are too many such cases to be discounted. Myself is RD:8/9 with EAC-01-282-xxxxx.

In my opinion, EAC# is assigned based upon your ND. The reason being, there could be two persons with same RD but depending upon when the ND was issued, there case could fall under EAC-01 or EAC-02 category. You can see to verify that.

Any disagreements?????

I think INS, concurrently is working on all August RD cases and it happens to be upto certain EAC-xx (that u rightly mentioned).

That's not right !

The EAC number is the date when INS cashes your check( check INS's web site), then send a notice, so it's more close to ND. And we all know VSC tries to process cases by RD, just screw up things all the time.
EAC is based on ND

I remember one posting that had some credible evidence to its theory that EAC numbers were based on ND.

My ND was Dec 1st and the eac is EAC-02-052-51496. Based on your ND/EAC combo please verify if the theory is valid. i.e. subtract/add to the 052.

I think they go by RD. The officers pick a stack of files. Faster officers approve faster (duh!) than the others with problematic files.

Thats just my opinion.

EAC # based on ND

EAC no is based clearly on ND.First two digits imply the year(their year starts on 1st October) next 3 digits represent the no of working days elapsed in that year. But EAC # or notice date is given when they are opened and I hope that they open in sequence of RDs only. However if they don't open in the sequence of RDs then your analysis is relevant otherwise you can estimate your approval based on either RD or ND both are same
Why waste efforts..

Why are we trying to do so many calculations here and trying to slove a mystery that is best left unsolved. Your figuring out a method in the madness will not help get the approval any sooner. So why waste your effort. Just my 2 cents. No offense to anybody.

We all know that there is no use in trying to explain the INS procedures. That's probably one of the most intriguing mysteries next only to a woman's mind!

But all we are trying to do is to talk and support each other. Thats what this message board is for.

You are on this board cuz you want to know whats happening right? That isnt going to speed up your approval either :)

We are only presenting our hypothesis and hoping that we are correct lol aint nothing wrong with that is there. But yeah you are right sometimes we do get a little anxious and paranoid :)

But i still have neither called the IIO nor do i check AVM 10 times a day! Believe me there are people who do that!

Peace Y'all
Thanks for your feedback

Thankyou very much for your responses. Some of your feedbacks makes lot of sense. I mentioned approvals are happenning based on EAC-XX, that's true and more or less we can also consider approvals on ND also, since ND & EAC goes together ..

But definetly not on RD, it's totally out of order and I am not sure how come IIO says they are processing RD:AUG15.

Roran raised a question how come my RD is Aug24 and # is EAC-02-040-XXXX, because his info is RD:sep24 and # is EAC02-039-xxxxx ..I am not sure, why our info is not consistant ..

This whole analysis, just to judge approx. no of days will take to approve our cases based on present approvals, so that there is no need to check AVM every day ..

Thanks again
I don't mean to complicate it further

But, is it possible that some IIOs are doing it by ND, while others by RD?

By going through a lot of posts in this board, I got an impression that many IIOs cannot correctly tell the difference between the two.
The person we talk on phone is not same as the person who processes our files.

By and large, I think, most officers go by RD. It just happens that they are given a batch of 50-100 files and some r faster than others. If accidently, a file is there in the batch for next month, that case gets done also alongside current month's RD files.
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I hope not!

IIOs are just immigration 'information' officers...wonder they why are called officers! They should be called as Customer Service Reps. Well, what difference does it make?!
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