Process of Getting SSN


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I know that now I have the EAD I can go to the SSA and apply for the ss card that says authorized for work purposes only, or I can wait until after I get my green card and go and apply for the card with no restrictions on it. it doesn;t really matter to me either way as I am a stay-at-home-mum and want the SSN not for working, but for credit building and getting myn driving license.

And I know that I have to go in person - which is problematic as DH has the car at work all day, works for the government himself so his hours are 9-5 and he has trouble getting time off to take me. our local SSA is about 25 minutes away.

So my question is do I have to apply for it at my local SSA, or can I pop into the Albany office (a couple of miles away from the DO) when I have my interview next week, and submit the forms? We live about an hour away from that one.
Just realised that they take the EAD off you at the interview, right? Then I wouldn't be able to go to the SSA and apply. Bummer.
You can pop at any SSA office to apply for SSN. Bring all the necessary documentation so that they don't give any run around. If I were you, would wait till after the interview and go there with an approval stamp on your passport should the IO be kind enough to give it to you. So that you can complete the SSN process without any complications. Get a horse to use as a means of transportation when the hubby is at work with the!!!