Problems with New Fillable DS-230


Registered Users (C)
The new DS-230 (expiry 07/31/2007) is having problems.


The first page is not formatted correctly (when we type in the data,it is not properly aligned).

The second page has bigger problems. The date fields are messed up and again the same alignment problems in text fields.

I have not checked Pages 3 and 4 yet.

I guess Acrobat Professional is required to fix the above issues.

Can someone correct these problems and provide a good copy here please?

It would help everyone.

PS: I dont think it would be illegal to fix the format issues as long as the contents are not changed. If it IS illegal to do even this, then forget it.
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Are you supposed to use these forms? The Fee Bill receipt says about DS-230 Part I - "Return only the original application that we send you. Do not use downloaded computer forms"
We signed DS -230 part I and send them to Lawyer , but i think, they were old forms not with the expiry of 2007

Should i ask my lawyer to fill new forms ?

alren said:
Oh! Is this a new requirment?
I would not know whether this was there earlier but I do see this beneath the Date on the Fee Bill top portion for records (on the upper right hand side)

Did you check the portion you retain for the fee bill if you have that - if it is there, no point in sending the form
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Sandeep_N said:
Are you supposed to use these forms? The Fee Bill receipt says about DS-230 Part I - "Return only the original application that we send you. Do not use downloaded computer forms"

Submit whatever forms you received from NVC.

Perhaps NVC will start mailing this new edition hereafter.
Ds-230 form and problems in filling it

GCChaahiye said:
The new DS-230 (expiry 07/31/2007) is having problems.
I guess Acrobat Professional is required to fix the above issues.

>>>>You have to use the new form valid until 2007, available here from DOS website:

I checked with my attorney. you may download the DOS -230 version from DOS website, fill it and send it. you DON'T necessarily have to fill the form that came with your packet 3 papers.

on the DS-230 form fields >> The text fields are center aligned, which is fine. to write multiple lines in one text field, press "enter" at the end of each line.
Problem is in the areas where you have to write dates. You just can't write a date anyway you try.

problem: ... you can't edit this form as the option is not available (this form is supplied as a locked down version).
solution: Try using "FREE TEXT TOOL" option in Acrobat and put Text fields over each space in the dates section.

(addendum: i checked again. you CAN fill all the date fields also in this format: mm-dd-yyyy for "From" and mm-dd-yyyy for 'To" sections.

GCChaahiye said:
Can someone correct these problems and provide a good copy here please? It would help everyone
>>> Yes, it would. i have corrected the problem the way i described. If you tell me how to upload the modified form here, i can do it.
(i don't think you need the modified version with the explanation i wrote above).

GCChaahiye said:
I dont think it would be illegal to fix the format issues as long as the contents are not changed. If it IS illegal to do even this, then forget it.
>>>> Many Immigration lawyers use the $600/month form filling program "Immigrant Professional" They modify the fields (in which data needs to be filled by the aplicant) all the time without any problem.
*** important thing is that you are editing the space where data entry is to be done by the applicant.
disclaimer: my personal opinion only
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J1victim said:
If you tell me how to upload the modified form here, i can do it.

After you click Post Reply, below the message box under Additional Options

under 2nd Option,

" Attach Files
Valid file extensions: bmp csv doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd rtf txt xls zip

Manage Attachments "

Attach the file through this.
DS-230 Form, edited

ok, edited form DS-230 is attached. when filling this form:

* use "Hand Tool" for filling the form
* use "FREE TEXT TOOL" to edit the dates section.

note: u can use the original form and fill the dates as: mm-dd-yyyy for "From" field and mm-dd-yyyy for "To" fields. Then you will not need this modified form.

disclaimer: my personal opinion
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edite form DS-230

santuro said:
I removed the password and fixed the date problem along with removing the yellow boxes. You can edit other fields if you want. :D

great job santuro. The programmers at USCIS are not perfect. They do make mistakes and then someone like you comes to help ppl in distress. :p
thanks again.
sent a private message

santuro said:
I removed the password and fixed the date problem along with removing the yellow boxes. You can edit other fields if you want. :D

just sent you a private message. check your inbox.
santuro said:
I removed the password and fixed the date problem along with removing the yellow boxes. You can edit other fields if you want. :D


nice job.

Could you please do another modification?

On page 1 , under points 16 and 18, for Current Address of parents - can you please make all the potential lines ( 2 or even 3) to be fillable? Right now we can type only on one line which is not sufficient.
I just noticed another problem:

Page 2,

point 20 - date field : line 2 : TO

point 23 - date field : line 4 : TO

the dates in these 2 fields are getting copied (under the TO and not FROM).

could you please rectify this?
santuro said:
They were not named right in the first place.
Hi Santuro
Thank you very much for taking time to fix this annoying problem.If you could pl make one more edit. Line Item 20, it's allowing to put 'PRESENT' instead of 'To Date' in first 2 rows.
Can you make the same change for Line Item 22 for first 2 rows (TO DATE) .
See the attached file with all corrections, also the file is free from any restrictions, so that you can edit the fields as per your requirements