Problems with needed...very very urgent


Registered Users (C)

I tried to submit I-765 electronically for renewal of my EAD (VSC).
I tried so many times but evrerytime I am unsuccessful..It is showing two reasons:
1.connectivity issues
2.Invalid payment info
But I am sure there is no problem with the payment info..I believe the actual problem is with connectivity..

Did any body faced this problem before? if so what is the solution?
I contacted the NSC and they have no clue about this proble.

I am in tension since my EAD is expiring on jun03.I have only 90 days from tomorrow.. please suggest a soluton..

Thanks in advance..
R u using broadband / dialup ?

if you are using broadband then do the following:
Go to the Options tab in your browser and delete all the Temporary pages. Reboot and start again.
Try using a different payment option : if using CC use a Checking
account or vice-versa.

Important do not use the "Back" button of your browser ; if you need to go back use the "back" button in the application.

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I get the exact same error, I have tried everything possible to get it to work and keep getting the same error.Suggestions anyone??
Still I am getting the same error

Thanks a lot for your suggestions.

I have tried again and I am getting the same errors..
I tried e-file option (may be around 50 times) for the past two days
As a last resort, I have mailed the application yesterday..

If they recieve the application today, will they give reciept date as today?? Please confirm..I am in tension..


Okay just tried the e-file. I am getting the same error too. I think I will call on Monday and wait a couple of days for them to fix this, otherwise I will paper file.
My application wasn't processed when I submitted the I 765 appilcation online.

I called the national customer service and today I had a message on my phone saying the e-file system was down for sometime. Now it is again working. I am planning to apply over the weekend.
K512, that is not true.

I tried on Friday night, Saturday noon and Sunday night. The problem was exactly as described on the 1st and 3rd attempt. On Saturday noon, I was given a "System Busy, Please try again later" message even before I could start.

I think I am ready to do a paper file today.
e filing EAD

I was trying from saturday night trying to file the EAD application. It is showing the same thing as yours, connectivity issue or incorrect payment. Even now It is showing the same thing.

I am calling the customer service now, will keep u posted. Let me know if u got any info
Dear eadwoes,
Its working. I just E-filed my EAD renewal applicationn and got the confirmation receipt. Well I kept trying again and again. I think they looked into the trouble.

You can try now
