Problem with paticipate US citizien ceremony


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I have a very depress situation after my citizen interview today. I was told that my files were not completed to schedule my earliest ceremony due to my case had files twice. The reason was that I used to lived in East coast and filed my case in NY but my case was claimed lost while I am relocated to California. Hence, I was suggested to re-file as 2nd case in order to go obtain my green 6 years ago. Finally, my interview was went thru my 2nd case file to get approval.
Unfortunately, Immigration was requested to have my previous file submitted in order to schedule next ceremony on Dec 15th in California. How things can happen like this? Is any one can help me how to deal with this issue now?who can I call for help ?where to find my initial case file (I have lost my first record since it claimed lost?? any one? any help?
Any clue or idea how to smooth out this issue after 20 years staying must be a way. Please help...
Ps, my fiancée is waiting for my citizen certificate to sponsor her for green card status. how can we do now???please help!!!
Now that I think of it same thing happened to me when I filed for Green card.I guess I need to make infopass appointment to make sure my original file has been found or updated .Sorry couldn't help you out. :(
sabrina626 said:
I have a very depress situation after my citizen interview today. I was told that my files were not completed to schedule my earliest ceremony due to my case had files twice. The reason was that I used to lived in East coast and filed my case in NY but my case was claimed lost while I am relocated to California. Hence, I was suggested to re-file as 2nd case in order to go obtain my green 6 years ago. Finally, my interview was went thru my 2nd case file to get approval.
Unfortunately, Immigration was requested to have my previous file submitted in order to schedule next ceremony on Dec 15th in California. How things can happen like this? Is any one can help me how to deal with this issue now?who can I call for help ?where to find my initial case file (I have lost my first record since it claimed lost?? any one? any help?
Any clue or idea how to smooth out this issue after 20 years staying must be a way. Please help...
Ps, my fiancée is waiting for my citizen certificate to sponsor her for green card status. how can we do now???please help!!!

Can you explain clearly what exactly the problem is?
Your post is very confusing.

First, is it correct that you had two I-485 applications submitted 6 years ago because the first one was lost by the INS?

Second, what exactly do you mean by saying that
"Immigration was requested to have my previous file submitted"?
Do you mean that the IO officer asked you for the case number for that first I-485 application? Of do you mean that the IO said that USCIS needs to locate its internal file regarding your first I-485 application?
sabrina626 said:
I have a very depress situation after my citizen interview today. I was told that my files were not completed to schedule my earliest ceremony due to my case had files twice. The reason was that I used to lived in East coast and filed my case in NY but my case was claimed lost while I am relocated to California. Hence, I was suggested to re-file as 2nd case in order to go obtain my green 6 years ago. Finally, my interview was went thru my 2nd case file to get approval.
Unfortunately, Immigration was requested to have my previous file submitted in order to schedule next ceremony on Dec 15th in California. How things can happen like this? Is any one can help me how to deal with this issue now?who can I call for help ?where to find my initial case file (I have lost my first record since it claimed lost?? any one? any help?
Any clue or idea how to smooth out this issue after 20 years staying must be a way. Please help...
Ps, my fiancée is waiting for my citizen certificate to sponsor her for green card status. how can we do now???please help!!!
Sabrina626, did you really pass the interview or did they fail you because of your English (or lack of it)?
my citizen interview

Thank you for all your response. I did pass the oral interview and written. However, my paper from IO immigration was checked as "follow the instructions on form N-14 (WR-821)". Is anyone know what is it??
Also, my paper from immigration office was indicated to collect my related my previous case number in order to notify future ceremony. They have told me that everything will be fine but it needed to obtain my previous information in order to complete the file and notify me. As result, my concerned is that I don't know how long will it takes to get notifications due to my fiancée is urgent needed my sponsor qualification to apply her green card!!!!
Therefore is anyone know occurs the same situation before, or should I just keep track with IO by 1800 number?? any idea??
First, you need to take some english grammer classes to improve your writting skills!!
Maybe then we can understand you better and offer any help. sigh!
MissMolina said:
First, you need to take some english grammer classes to improve your writting skills!!
Maybe then we can understand you better and offer any help. sigh!

Very rude MissMolina and by the way is grammar not grammer.

Sabrina be patient but proactive with your case. Call the NRC and make an infopass appointment. Write some letters to your DO and visit your Congressman if more than a month pass without a response from the USCIS.
From what I understand, if the BCIS folks need more information from you, they will give you a Form N-14.

This form explains what information or documents you must provide them, and tells you when and how you should return the information to them.

If you do not follow the instructions, they may deny your

I don't think the form N-14 is something that you can get online. This is something that the Immigration Officer should have given you.

If you have this form, follow the instructions and you should be ok.
MissMolina said:
First, you need to take some english grammer classes to improve your writting skills!!
Maybe then we can understand you better and offer any help. sigh!

You're damn right. This is really horrible writing. I can't believe this person has been in this country for 20 years. If you don't want to assimilate into the culture, why is being a citizen of the country that important to you.

Spoken like a "real'

Seriously though, you need to polish up the English skills some more. I wouldn't be surprised if the IO didn't know what the hell you were talking about, in other words, you could not participate in your own defense.
We are all here looking for answers.So please respect everyone.Yeah we are highly educated people.That does not justify down grading others. :mad:
Thank you for all your responses. For whom may concerned my grammar, I definitely should improve myself for better writting communications.
For others, I appreciated for all your responses and suggestions. Thank you for all your help. of course, if anyone else have better suggestions, please feel free to drop me any possible information. Thankssssssss :)