Problem with DS-156 - please help!!!


Registered Users (C)

After spending so much time on DS-156 and filling it, I clicked on 'Continue' button. I got a security window for which I clicked 'Yes'. After that there was a blank screen for a long time. When I refreshed the browser after some time I got an error message from Adobe Reader saying that it could not open the file (file attached).

Now, looks like my file might have reached the INS, but I don't have a copy of it. What should I do now? If I try to send the application again I may have the same problem!

Please Help....

Can I resend the application from different system?

Thanks a lot for your answers in advance!!!!

It really doesn't matter. Just fill in one more time and take a print out.
My wife had the same problem. actually 2times once in Hyd and then we decided to fill more info, so we tried in chennai also and got the same message. and we filled one more time and took the printout. She got the visa. I don't know whether the info was sent to the Dept or not. we didn't have any problems .

This is just for info purpose only.
Thanks Veeranji for the reply. I am a bit relived now. May be I will try with a different system this time.

Thanks again,
Hi Vmm,

It seems like you've to use a very specific version of Adobe acrobat to get the barcoded form working. I had to try from different machines before I could get it to work for me. In my case, only Acrobat 5.1.0 worked.

You may fill in as many forms as you like. If you have printed out various versions of the forms, (like I did to rectify errors) ensure that you send in the right ones.

Good luck.