Problem Situation ???????? After Approval before getting actual card if we chnage address will it t


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After stamping on August 16 I still did not get my card.
They say there is a back log in issuing Cards.
Now I have moved to different state not belong to Vermount center?
Will there be a problem if I update my address to the new address?
New address belongs to Nebraska service Center.

Has anyone faced this situation?
Should not be a problem....

I know of several people who have done it before. However, there are a couple of things you need to do -

1. Check the AVM whether your card has already been ordered. Unfortunately, if it is already ordered then a new card will have to be ordered because you cannot change address after the card has been ordered.

2. If the card has not been ordered, talk to an iio and have your address changed. It is a very simple 2 minute process.

Let me know if you need any more information.
No Title

Thanks Friend,
According to the law we have to inform INS within 10 days after changing address. What is the form I can use for that.

No forms required...

You do not need to fill out any form. Just call VSC and seek for an iio. You can verbally the new address. I did it myself after my i-485 stamping was done.