probably we will not see JIT publish again based on the speed of CSC


Registered Users (C)
CSC's speed is quite slow. So I guess
we will not see the JIT update again in 2 months.

too bad :-(.

INS is wokring for the re-orgnication under
another bulky org.
I know people are disappointed and frustrated because CSC seems to be approving applications very slowly but I'm getting really tired of visiting this board and seeing nothing but negative comments -- based on nothing more than the poster's personal experience -- about how bad things are going to get and how long it is going to take for applications to get approved. No one knows what is actually happening at CSC and why it is taking so long for applications to be processed so why speculate? Negative comments decrease the value of this board as a resource.

peter23 the board is also a place to vent out one's frustration....It helps to see that other people are also
facing the same frustration and anxiety as you are....
I think this is also one of the objectives of this forum...

Otherwise we could just have had a scoreboard where
the score gets automatically updated...
I think what peter means is that all the negativity on this board isn't constructive. I think I agree with both of you. But instead of putting all this negativity and criticism in front of you, blocking your view, put it behind you .. make it constructive, propel you forward, and ...


About JIT, I am hoping it will move forward this weekend.

O yea, did I mention, I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE INS.

I agree this is a place to vent and complain and I think it's fine when people do that. After all, this is a community and we're all in this together and we should be able to look to each other for support. But lately this board seems to be entirely negative. When people starting posting personal opinions about why it's taking so long for the INS to process applications or when people like ususaaa2 think out loud about what will be in the next JIT report without having any factual knowledge of what's actually happening at the CSC, the value of this board is diminished. My point is that speculation about what's happening is pointless and it only seems to be leading people to post more negative comments. This doesn't help anyone.
Point taken peter23

Point taken peter23...I agree ...

But please give the guys/gals a break .... Most of us have been waiting for GC for 1 - 1 and 1/2 years and things are not looking promising....The economy is tough and the job security is at an all time low... Everybody is worried what will happne to my GC if something happens to my job ..... Etc.etc..

No harm in letting of some steam...
Negative posts!

I think this is all a part and parcel of the waiting period. People are getting so frustrated about the approval's process that it is very difficult to look at anything in the positive spin.

I for one am glad to have this forum to vent out on. Most people I know have already been through this at happier times and others have still to face the roadblock or don't need the INS, it is very difficult to find people who understand my frustration with whom I can discuss/vent my frustration!

I think you should just ignore the mails that sound despondent and stick to the factual mails out there. Don't shoot anyone down, since it is not really the person's fault that INS Sucks so bad!

I truely hate INS!
Like I said, we're all in this together. I'm in the same situation as everyone else on this board and certainly my situtation is similar to the one you decribe: I've been waiting for a year and I'm worried about my job but I still don't post unsupported nonsense and idle speculation about why I think it is taking so long to process GC applications at CSC. If people want to let off some steam, that's fine but what I've seen lately is just blatant complaining and meanderings about what's happening at the INS. Like I said, this doesn't help anyone.

Obviously everyone is not like you. People have different personalities, some people like to talk, some don't. You have a choice of ignoring the people you don't want to listen. Use your descretion!

Relax and let live!
no matter what, we have to wait...

I agree that posting positive views are helpful.
I agree that we are in the same boat and should support each other.
The question how can we have positive views or giving psovitive
If no positive words, does that mean we should leave this board
for several months?

probably that why there are less posting thatn before i ncsc board.

anyway, hope we can see light in the dark...