Primary Approved- Dependent Not (Dec 02)


Registered Users (C)
Happy to inform that my case was approved today per online status

I am primary and husband and son are dependent.

RD 12 dec 2002
2 FP July 2004

Is it common to see dependent get approval later than primary. Well, one dependent was approved (son) but husband wasnt....Way to go!!!! We will celebrate! (after husband gets approval)

sorry i may click a wrong button, any RFE for your case? wish i am a dependent as
a man just tired of working hard and waiting painfully, best wishes for your whole family.

No rfe for primary- as of dependent, status just shows results of second fp received
ANY COMMENTS????? Does dependent approval take time???

is dpenedent approval usually with the ptimary? or does it take time. I am a little tense as to why my case isnt approved while primary and dependent son are.
In some cases it takes time

I am going through the same scenario. Primary approved since 08/12/04, and the dependent is still waiting. The dependent had 2FP one day after primary's approval day (2FP 08/13/04). What about you? Did your dependent have 2FP? If yes, when?
Thread for Dependent Not Approved

There is a thread in the NSC 485 issues board that is dedicated to exactly this topic. If you read it you will find that you are not alone in having only the primary approved while the secondary still has to wait.
LUD changed 3 times

WindsorResident said:
BTW, Can you tell me if your LUD changed in the last few days and if so, how many times.

RFE received by INS on 27th sept. Since then LUD changed everyday.
28 --> 29 --->30.

I hope this is a good sign.

ND Nov 27th 2002
primary with son approved, husband still waiting

I am going through the same scenario.
I am a primary and had approval with my son at 09/30/04
my husband still waiting
Me and my dependants had a 2-d FP at the same day - 08/10/04
What can happened with my husband's case I don't know

I485 EB2
RD 09/18/02
ND 10/18/02
1-st FP 11/22/02
2-d FP 08/10/04
3-d EAD approved 08/23/04 (second FP expired 09/23/04)
AD - 09/30/04
