Primary application approved but derivative applicant not approved

Please advice SPouse recieved third FP when out of country

My spouse recieved third FP when she was out of country and missed the appointment. She did her 2nd FP in november 2003. Can you please advice what we can do. My case has been approved 8 months back. Both of us applied together. Her case is still pending with an RD dec 20 2001.

Any help is appreciated

Finally Approved

My wife's I-485 was finally approved yesterday (4/8/2004), almost 1 year (11 months and 11 days) after my approval.

We contacted New Hampshire senator John Sununu and his office called VSC on Apirl 2. I don't know whether the call worked, but her approval happened less than 1 week after the call. It might mean something.

This was a painful experience with finally a happy ending. I hope none of you will have to wait as long as us.
Spouses case approved at last!

My wife's case is finally approved last week. Checked the online message. My case was approved almost 9 months back.She even got her 3rd FP, but i guess it was not needed. She never went for the FP.
Did couple of status enquiries.

did husband & wife's case go together when FP?

Hi All.

I was trying to understand what could cause secondary applicant's case to be seperated from primary applicant's.

Your input to these questions will be helpful:

1. Did primary & secondary file I-485 together: Yes / No.
2. Did primary & secondary get FP-1 together: Yes / No.
3. Did primary & secondary get FP-2 together: Yes / No.
4. Was EAD for secondary applied (This is just to understand if there is no other pending application e.g. EAD, AP for secondary then BCIS takes a longtime to process the secondary.)
5. Was secondary applicant added to I-140 application or was it done only on I-485 application (e.g. got married after filing I-140 for primary and then got married and filed I-485).
6. Or BCIS is just being random in processing the applications.

Any input will be appreciated.
Mine and my spouses I-485 is not approved yet.
1. Did primary & secondary file I-485 together: Yes / No.


2. Did primary & secondary get FP-1 together: Yes / No.


3. Did primary & secondary get FP-2 together: Yes / No.


4. Was EAD for secondary applied (This is just to understand if there is no other pending application e.g. EAD, AP for secondary then BCIS takes a longtime to process the secondary.)

Never applied EAD, always on valid H-1B

5. Was secondary applicant added to I-140 application or was it done only on I-485 application (e.g. got married after filing I-140 for primary and then got married and filed I-485).

Married way before I-anything.

6. Or BCIS is just being random in processing the applications.

Finally... My spouse's case was approved. Just got the letter in the mail. It look about one year after the primary was approved. Wish everyone else good luck.
Finally Wife got Approved

Hello everyone

Finally after 7 years its all over now.
My wife got approved yesterday about 17 months after I got approved.

I am positive Sending a fax to FBI for name check helped. Because they replied back with email that they had finished the name check that day.
After waiting for 2 years.

Details Below

Please keep hope and send a fax to FBI.
Many people have posted on this forum how to send fax to FBI but if you need more info let me know and I will tell you all I know

RD Oct 01
ND Nov 01
FP1 Jul 02 both of us
Primary (Me) approved Apr 03
Wife FP2 Nov 03
Sent Name check request fax to FBI Jun 25 2004
Got email from FBI saying name check completed on Aug 26 2004
Wife approved Sep 22, 2004

Many EAD and AP in between

Good luck all