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Previous visa refusals


Registered Users (C)
Hi,guys. I am just wondering if anyone aware if previous visa refusals can affect Green Card immigration visa issuance. I once submitted a certificate that was considered false. I am not sure if I am banned to enter USA forever? SHould I pursue with the procedures in case of a winner or just drop it at the early stage?
I'm sure they will ask about previous refusals and may have the info in their system. I am not sure about being banned forever though. If you win just remember you will have to pay the fees before you can know what the decision is. Are you prepared for that?
A ban can be for 2 years, 5 or 10 years or forever...No one except for customs/USCIS will know what will be exactly on your file, but my guess is that once something is on there it will stay there even if the ban is lifted.

My advise would be to be honest...lying can make it worse...
I have a similar question: I was a postgraduate student in London in 2002, and applied for a visa to visit family. My visa was refused, I was told that I should apply from my home country as they could not verify my permanent links to my home country. It seemed wasteful to go back home just to apply for a visa, so I never applied again, and went elsewhere.

Would this affect any decision at the Embassy? I have not lied about it anywhere, although I don't believed it was asked in the forms sent to KCC.

Many thanks.
Yes, i checked also the forms that should be filled out and there is only 2 questions about visas:

1. Have you ever been to the USA?
2. Have you ever been refused to enter the USA at the port-of-entry?

I read in some other forum that one guy was refused at the final interview and accused of submitting a forged diploma at the moment of the final interview without even verifying it. I have also asked my question before at some visa forums and one guy told me that i will never be able to enter the USA with any visa. I also read that there can be obtained some waiver to be cleared from all illegal doings like a) staying longer than your visa permits; b) submitting forged papers or lying at the interview; c) criminal past during your previous visits. I am just wondering if i hire some American lawyer accredited with the Embassy will it help somehow. Your thoughts forummates?