Present status!


Registered Users (C)

I worked for Company A 1 year on H1-B and they sponcered GC, and I-140 been approved. Then I switched to Company B by H1 transfer From Company A. I worked 6 months for Company B. Then Last July when EB3 became current, simply switched back to Company A with out any H1-B transfer and still working for Company A on Existing H1-B. I got my EAD and finger printing been done. I am still working on H1.What is my status right now, is it ok or not, Please clarify!

Thanks in advance!
God knows!

hey imm,
Just kidding!! I am not a lawyer, but laying out my perception on the matter.
You could had more than one H-1B, that is in company A and B and switching back and forth if you want to. But since you had transfered the H-1B status to comany B, you are no longer attached to company as H-1B employee. (Company a can do your green card though, since green card is for future job).
When you switched back to company without getting the H-1 transfer, you could be out of status (ans also a illegal worker) on the day restarted work in company-A again and the 180 day rule kicks in with 3-10 year bar or so. (this does not apply if you had returened to compant A using EAD).
You might get GC if there is no RFE/interview, but you may want toget hold of a good lawyer for a proper action. Soem times it is better to keep quiet unless the INS asks something. Do not volunteer information if you have not done so far.
Any comments, guys?