Premium Processing...


Registered Users (C)

I filed for H1B for my wife on may 25th and i got the EAC number too...

currently my wife is on H4 Visa..

In Emergency i amy need to travel to india in july 2nd week and may return in august...

Can i now change the normal processig to Premium processign so that she can get the visa with in 15 days before i leave that i can leave here here and go to india..

Yes, You can apply for premium processing. It costs you another $1000.Talk your attorney.But I don't understand is when you are going alone why you want change to premium processing?

Thanks for the info..

The reason why i am thinking about premium processing is,some people are saying that when i leave us,as my wife is dependent on me,she also has to leave usa or else her status H4 will be void...


sujay_knotted said:

Thanks for the info..

The reason why i am thinking about premium processing is,some people are saying that when i leave us,as my wife is dependent on me,she also has to leave usa or else her status H4 will be void...



Your wife can stay here on H4. Only issue which I have noticed is, if H1 person is not in US and H4 person is traveling without H1 person then at POE there might be an issue for H4 person but in your case she is already in US so she should not have any issue.
Thanks for the info..that is what i initially thought of..

But,some lawyers say that once i leave usa a t POE my passport will be scanned and they will track all the details like when i entered and when my dependent entered usa..

so,even if my wife h1-b is pending if she stays in usa alone without may cause problems in processign of her visa..they say???Not sure how true is it..

some lawyers is legal to say in usa with out the husband..

Not usre whether should i go to india on company work for 2 months or wait till my wife visa gets approved..

