Pre Trial Diversion


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Hello all,

Thank you for your help in advance.
Manj :)
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manj90 said:
Hello all,
If some one enters into Pre Trial Diversion program (6 months of probation + community service) and succefully completes it.State dismiss the case and that through State DA Office not through a judge.Will that be CONVICTION for Immigration Purpose ?Please advise.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Manj :)

To my understanding it start creating problem(Deportation) if it has 1 year of jail time or more... But still you need to discussed it with lawyer you should apply for citizenship or not.....
To my understanding, if the case is not dismissed, then it is sort of a conviction because u basically did do the time so that means u accepted the alleged crime ect. But I might be wrong.
It is counted as conviction but only for naturalization purposes. You will be better off waiting for three years (depends upon the state) to expunge your records and then another two years to complete your five years with no CMT on your record before filing for naturalization.