ppl; who sent email for FP/Name check Status to FBINNCP@ic.fbi.gov plz response

I heard person who responds to all the emails is a lady who works part time and she is email challenged, she can only reply 9 mails a day. And she works only 3 days a week.

back log is expected to grow.

if this is true, then the only silver lining(?!) is that the analysts doing the namecheck are not using up their time to reply to email inquiries :)
email to fbi: jan11'05 (no reply)
gcamirage said:
I heard person who responds to all the emails is a lady who works part time and she is email challenged, she can only reply 9 mails a day. And she works only 3 days a week.

back log is expected to grow.

                   Talking about me??                   

          __-----_.                        ______
          /  \      \           o  O  O   _(       )__
         /    |  |   \_---_   o._.      _(            )_
        |     |            \   | |""""(_   Your name...  )
        |     |             |@ | |    (_  Check done   _)
         \___/   ___       /   | |      (__on 00/00/00 _)
           \____(____\___/     | |         (________)
           |__|                | |          |
           /   \-_             | |         |'
         /      \_ "__ _       !_!--v---v--"
        /         "|  |>)      |""""""""|
       |          _|  | ._--""||        |         Part Timer
      /                                   \
     /                                     \
    /                                       \
        {                               }
        |                               >
        {_______________________________|               ________
        <                               }              / Dinner \
        |_______________________________|             /__________\
\|/       \\/             \||//           |//                       \|/    |/
I got my e-mail reply from
Michael A. C/gmg
Chief, National Name Check
Program Section
Records Management Division
Sent email to fbi name check division just a minute ago.

BTW I was reading some threads for name check issues, and there I learned that asking the FBI about the status of our name checks by snail mail is faster than emailing them. So if you suspect your name check is long overdue, you may also try snail mail.
hanging in here said:
snail mail is faster than emailing them. So if you suspect your name check is long overdue, you may also try snail mail.

            Try me :)    You will never hanging in here or there 

              __         .-'`     ``'-.
             /o \_     .'              '.
         _.-'\__/ `\  /      _..---._    \
       .'           \/    .-'  __    '.   \
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                   |::.     `````        /   `)
                    `-::___         __.-'``''`

Your sense of humor through animated pictures is awesome.

You are really prince of animated pictures.
I often come in this site to see your cakes (celebrate), vodka bottles (get drunk after approval), donkey (criticize INS), turtles (slow but steady), duck (who kya kahna hai), etc. etc.

You will be approved soon, I am praying for you.

Very funny, POJ! That made me imagine a running/walking race btw the snail & the 6 emails a day/3 days a week lady at the FBI name check office!
FBI is responding for mails received to them around Nov 17, 2004

srisubu said:
Got the response from FBI.
I am responding to your email dated November 23, 2004, concerning the name check status of you and your wife.

The FBI completed a name check for you on December 15, 2002, and for your wife on January 12, 2003. The results were forwarded to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Headquarters, Washington, DC.

It seems that FBI is responding for mails received to them around Nov 17, 2004. I sent mail to FBI for Name check on Nov 17 & received the response back yesterday.

My I-485 was filed on Oct 24, 2003. It means that USCIS is sending Name check request to FBI immediatly after filing of I-485 because my Name check response was sent back to USCIS on Nov 4, 2003. pl see the e-mail response of FBI..

The text of FBI mail reads as follows:
A review of the FBI's Name Check Program database concerning Mr. XXXX
xxxxx xxxxx revealed a request was received from the United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on November 4, 2003 and it was completed also on November 4, 2003. The results were forwarded to the USCIS Headquarters in Washington DC.
Patel Kishan said:

Your sense of humor through animated pictures is awesome.

You are really prince of animated pictures.
I often come in this site to see your cakes (celebrate), vodka bottles (get drunk after approval), donkey (criticize INS), turtles (slow but steady), duck (who kya kahna hai), etc. etc.

You will be approved soon, I am praying for you.

Thank you, I believe I am just an ordinary person like others. :D

Thank you that you and other friends always keep me remember in prays. :D
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hate my name ( coz of name check)

Did anybody get email from FBI regarding name check lately? lets keep this past alive?
I sent a request as of 11/10/04, I am anxiously waiting for the email from them ?????? Anybody know what i should be doing next, I guess write a letter to officers there, I am optimistic that they are working on my case at the same time worried what if they lost/didn't erceive my email. :)
name check reply

Got a reply from FBI in a couple of days ago that name check is pending since early nov 2003.
I sent an email in first week of dec 2004. (No reply to first email sent in mid Oct 2004).

This means TSC sent out name check soon after I485 is filed at end of Oct 2003.
My FP was done in Jan 2004.
Guess it is going to expire before name check is cleared.
And I will be waiting for awhile.
Any suggestions as to what I do to expedite name check?