PP Stamping @ San jose


Registered Users (C)
I am just back from PP stamping at San Jose, i went there a bit early around 3 AM,there were few ( say 10 people) ahead of me , i am sure i cannot compete with those people who stay over night,from then, hung on till they let me in same old story cutting it short (Got token ->waiting -> got number called),returned EAD and AP got passport stamped for 6 Months, he said the uusual stuff like "should" recv card in next 6 months, i was out by 8:00AM.
U can refer to my postings as Sigutha,
Thanks Every body out there, and good luck to one and all..
Question for you Sigutha

Congratulations Sigutha...

Do you know if the parking behind the INS office is open now?
If not where did you park?
Parking @ San Jose

Since i went very early i could park few meteres away from the INS building, but i had done a dry run few weeks ago and also i noticed that there are directions instructing to make right @sutter st, and there is huge parking lot,
For a strange thing many of them i found were trying to squeeze in and the security guy they had to announce to people to remove the car Or get towed.
I think in retrospect parking car so close helped me to drop a chair in wee hours in the Que, get your self introduced to your "so called neighbour", i went back and slept in car next few hours.
Since it has been already discussed that is it good to go early Or around 7:00, i would say your call!!
Good luck