PP Stamping Done today; CIBA Pls update


Registered Users (C)
RD:02/22/01; ND:03/15/01; WAC#01-131...;EAD & AP Applied on own WAC#02-034; FP Scheduled : 12/27/01; FP Done(SJose): 12/01/01; Approval notice recd : 01/14/02; PP stamping Done at SFO: 01/17/02; Time taken : 1hr in by 9am out by 10am. Courtesy Copy recd by me accesspeted. No questions asked about Attorney\'s original copy which I have not yet recd.

Thanks for Internet; Thanks for this forum creator; Thanks for the participants for exchanging such a useful info.; Thanks to my friends who referred to this site.
PP stamping in San Francisco

So are they still turning back San Jose people from getting
their passport stamped in San Francisco ? Or are they allowing
the people to get their passport stamped ?
Will the approval have the PP stamping location name?

Will the approval have the PP stamping location name?

If we have SJC them can we go to SFO ?

Is SFO is less crowded than SJC ?