PP Stamping delayed - Security Check - INS Arlington - Today (5/20/02)


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From my experience at Arlington today, the PP stamping is being delayed for a month for conducting the security check.

The approval notice (courtesy copy), EAD, I-94 and photos have been turned over to the officer. The officer gave a xerox copy of the approval notice back.

The officer said that this process takes effect from today. From one of the posts, there was a pp stamping at Arlington on Friday (5/17/02) not needing a security check.

More waiting in store..

Good luck.
did they tell u how long its going to take for them ?? for the Security check ??

i also read in one of the posting in Dallas (I think ) that they did not do any Security Check delays ....
The officer indicated that it could take 30 days to complete the security check..

then they will mail a notice. We need to take the notice back to them for passport stamping..
What are you talking guys?

I could not understand. It means you first go to local INS and give your courtesy copy I-94 EAD and AP then come back without getting PP stamped. INS will do security check (takes 30 days) and will send you a notice which you have to take to local INS for PP stamping. Its confusing me. Please clarify.

Is this for everyone or only for those for whom VSC didn\'t do security check before approval ?

If they do security check once at VSC before approval and once at the local INS office before PP stamping, THATS TOOOOOOOOOOO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Yes..PP stamping is not done because security check is pending..

we just returned without our PPs getting stamped..We are just waiting for the security check to be complete in 30 days..hopefully..