PP stamped on 10/24/2001. Still waiting for the card


Registered Users (C)
Stamped at Santa Ana, CA on 10/24/2001. I know INS is not processing in an order. I just wanted to know if this is normal or do I have do contact INS.

Anybody still waiting for the card stamped around the same time. Please let us know.
Do you remember when your AVM message changed to process complete?

This is assuming that it changed to process complete. I am trying to proof my hypothesis that we should expect the card 2 or 3 weeks after the I-90 in the JIT report matches the date when the AVM message changed.

It seems that a few cases get stuck because INS failed to scan something. This cases have only been "unstuck" after try and retry with IIO until finding someone who knows what\'s going on. It seems this cases get their AVM changed to card ordered after INS takes care of the problem, and get the card in about a week.

I hope this helps.
Stamped 07/30/2001 at SF, still waiting

I got my passport stamped on 07/30/2001 at San Francisco. Still waiting for the plastic card. Sent an inquiry (form G-731) to CSC one and half month ago. No feed back!