PP stamped at Federal Plaza today 10/19/01


Registered Users (C)
PD 03/10/00 (RIR) RD 11/16/00 ND 12/06/00 AD 10/09/01 stamped 10/19/01
Got to Federal Plaza at 6:30am. Took the 4/5 to Brooklyn Bridge and walked up a few blocks to Federal Plaza using Mapquest Map. The entrance is NOT on Worth Street, its on Broadway. There was already 30 people in front of us when we got there and by 7:30 the line had snaked round Broadway past the no parking sign on Worth Street. (I think its a good idea either to get there early or go in the early afternoon to avoid the wait in the freezing cold). Took a while to get through enhanced security. The stamping room 102 is just to the left of the entrance.
It took about 30 minutes to get everything done and dusted and we got out the building at 8:15.

I walked back to work down Broadway to work and saw the ruins for the first time. It put the whole Green card process into its proper perspective...but I do feel very relieved and happy to have the green card process completed,

Best of luck to everyone. Hope this helps, DeDe
No Title


Can you get passport stamped anyday - in courtesy copy it says go on Wed.


No Title

Does it change from INS office to office, I am from NJ and my copy says Wed from 8 to 12.


Can you let us know what are the documents reqd. for stamping?

Can you let us know what are the documents reqd. for stamping?
I have been approved ND 01/18/2001 and am awaiting the recipt of the approval notice.
you need...

passport, I94, 2 ADUT phots and I used original copy. Dont know if you can use courtesy copy. they asked for EAD - I had forgotten mine - but said was OK not to have on hand. DeDe