PP renunciation and then visa?


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I'm currently an Indian Citizen but will be sworn in as a US citizen on Friday, 2/20/09. As I have to speak at a conference in India on 2/27/09, I have to run to the US passport office on Monday, 2/23/09 for a same day passport! Thereafter I have to get an Indian Visa to travel to Inidia on 2/27/09! How ironic this all is-to get a visa to visit the country where I was a citizen less than a week prior!

Does anyone know if I have to renounce my Indian Passport BEFORE I apply for an Indian visa? I think I would have to give my Indian Passport up at the consulate, get a renunciation certificate from them and then go for an Indian Visa to the company they have outsourced visas to here in NYC.

Anyone with any experience doing this?

Thanks so much in advance,

You can send in your letter of renunciation and indian passport along with your visa application. The indian passport will be canceled and returned to you.
Do you really need a letter of renunciation? I thought it was as simple as handing the indian passport along with the visa application.
Thanks for your thoughts. I called the Indian Consulate and they had no idea what to do!

I then managed to get someone on the line at Travisa, the new visa outsourcing company, and they indicated that I should turn in my passport along with a renunciation form (which they will provide to me) along with the new US passport. They will cancel my Indian Passport, give me a tourist visa in the new US passport and then return both passports to me.

I hope this works out and I'll be sure to post after its done. What irony!

I thought that the Renunciation letter was obsolete. But who knows for sure?

In the case of OCI, people seem to simply go to the Consulate and get their Indian passports cancelled and returned back to them. No one seems to mention the Renunciation letter. Maybe Travisa is required by the Consulate to do so?
Yes, realnewbie is correct. You cannot travel on the Indian PP any longer. I will post my experiences in the next few days as I have my oath day this Friday followed by the mad dash to get a US PP, renounce my Indian PP and then get a tourist visa for India. No room for error here.
Is there an official need to renounce? I thought loss of Indian citizenship was automatic upon naturalisation?

I will post my experiences in the next few days as I have my oath day this Friday followed by the mad dash to get a US PP, renounce my Indian PP and then get a tourist visa for India. No room for error here.